Chapter 11

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Charlotte sat on the railing of the Polar Tang, and away from the rest of the group crowding their captain who was resting against a sleeping Bepo. Law had called them aboard for a meeting and while Charlotte didn't care for it, she kept her ear open should there be anything of importance. But she kept her distance from the group, claiming her spot precariously over the edge of the ship. A strange placement for someone weak to the sea, but it didn't bother her. Her purple tresses shifted slightly in the calm wind and her eyes focused on the open blue waters.

They had left Amazon Lily a little while ago after Rayleigh had shown up. Law passing off the duty of looking after Straw Hat's recovery to him, much to the dismay of his crew. They wanted to spend more time with the woman on Amazon Lily, but they weren't against moving on. They were already behind on the others in entering the New World.

"What? We're still not going back to the New World?!" Charlotte piqued at that.

"I said we should wait for the right time." Law corrected calmly, a contrast to the rest of the crew. "Don't worry. One Piece isn't going anywhere."

"But Blackbeard and his bunch are wreaking havoc." Shachi interjected and Charlotte recall the new name added to the Supernova bunch. She had seen the news recap. He's also Devil Fruit user. She thumbed the rail before her with a frown. Her bare arms suddenly cold. She hadn't been able to wear her thick gloves since she had been cuffed.

"If they want to kill each other, let them. I'm not going to get mixed up in any pointless fights." She heard Law reply and she grinned into her muffler at the words. At least that's something we can agree on. "Now stop complaining and follow me!" Law finished and his crew seem to jump in awe at the statement. Charlotte rolled her eyes at the display, returning her gaze towards the sea with a slight frown. When did I look over? She tensed, feeling a pair of eyes watching her. "When there's something we want... we'll get it, no matter what!"

Her eyes narrowed at the declaration, but she didn't turn back to face him or his cheery crew. Instead, her eyes darted towards the cufflinks around her wrists. Then she got to her feet and strolled back towards the open door. That was enough air for now.

"Do you have something to add, Hunter-ya?" Law said and his crew grew silent. All heads turned towards the lone huntress directly across from Law's reclined position. His steel eyes watching her intently. She was the only one who had taken a different response than his crew. She seemed almost relieved that they weren't going to the New World.

"A smart choice." Charlotte stated after a moment. She turned toward the Captain, scanning over the Heart Pirate crew before locking eyes with her target. "."

"What was that?!" Said pirates growled, teeth clenching, and fists raised at the tall woman who seem indifferent to their threats. Her eyes remained locked with Law's. Confident.

Law hummed at the news as if considering it. "Only the crew? What about their captain?"

Charlotte's face turned cocky. "As if I'd let my target get done in by anyone else. Don't worry, I'll protect you." She chided while tossing her hair over her shoulder, continuing her earlier steps to go inside.

Law's calm grin dropped at the insult. Still, he made no move to reprimand the female. His crew did though, leaping out to punch her for insulting their captain, but it only proved her words.

Charlotte dodged their attacks easily, side stepping this way and that, as if she could predict where their attacks would go. His crew were left panting, annoyed, and confused, while Charlotte barely shifted, the clanging noises of her chain cuffing her arms together only adding salt to the wound.

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