Chapter 29

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"Mommy! Mommy! Did you see that?" A small girl with short lavender locks shouted, pulling herself out of the waters and running towards her mother with open arms. A smile spread through her face as soft hand landed on her head, pulling her into a hug.

"Of course, honey, but let's get you dry first." She cooed, kissing the crown of her head while rubbing a towel all over her hair. "That was amazing."

"Do you think I can swim with the fishes one day?" The little girl questioned, her platinum eyes wide and round with innocence. The shine in them just like a jewel.

"Mhm..." She promised. Though it was a small lie, she wouldn't be surprised if her daughter did. She was always so bold and so strong willed. Not to mention she was talented at swimming and her strokes were only getting stronger with each swim. "I know you can, Latte."

Charlotte's eyes snapped open, and she jerked up immediately, gasping for air. She could hear voices and her Haki was telling her that people were coming towards her, but her mind was frozen. Latte, Sweetie! Tears bubbled in her eyes and the world grew blurry. Charlotte curled into herself, gripping at the fabric around the square hole in her chest. Never did she think that something she didn't have anymore would ache this much.

A hand pressed against Charlotte's arm and the huntress flinched, jolting to the side when she felt warmth where she should have only felt pressure. Worried dark purple eyes stared back at her lighter platinum purple ones and Charlotte realized then that she didn't recognize where she had woken up in.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around her. Barrels of grog and bottles of wine lined the back walls while props of differing themes piled off to the side against another wall. Charlotte figured her new attire probably belonged to one of the themes. Her usual clothes swapped out with a deep v-neck vest that was held together at the front by one silver button. She tugged on the collar, pulling it over the edge of white gauze that covered the hole in her chest. "And who are you fishmen?" She asked, voice lit with promised danger and eyes cautious. Who changed me? Her gloves and weapon were missing.

"S-she's awake!" A pufferfish fishman cried dramatically, voice much higher than Charlotte would have thought given his muscular physique. "I'll go get Master Baako!" He sauntered away quickly.

Baako? Charlotte's eyes widened at the familiar name. The bed she was sitting on gave way as another fishmen sat next to her. "You're in the back room of Master's bar." The other explained and blew a smoke ring at Charlotte's face. She coughed, shooting the other a mean look. "You're quite lucky that Master saw you and that boy when he did." Boy? The Old Fart! Charlotte realized just as the door opened again.

"Calm yourself, my Dearie. I'm the one who changed you so stop hypothesizing how you'll kill everyone here." A shrill voice droned causally as if he wasn't talking about the death of his employees. The others peeled back from the girl immediately at the words, heads snapping to her in horror and disbelief. She was really thinking that?! Charlotte 'tsked' at being called out. She's not denying it!! Though her expression changed completely as she turned towards the entrance where the voice was coming from.

Laughter filled the room as Charlotte pounded against the mattress, unable to catch her breath. Every time she tried, she'd look up and see that ridiculous outfit and the more than pissed off face and burst into laughter again. "A-ah... haha...ha... ouch... my stomach hurts. Oh God, stop... Just sto—ppffh! AHAHAHHAHA. Y-You look... you look—pfft... so... stupid! Ahahhaha!" Charlotte sputtered, clutching at her stomach with one hand while rolling around the bed.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" Cole shouted, pointing a long-manicured nail at the girl rolling on the bed. She stared at the finger and burst into laughter again. She didn't expect for him to be dressed up in drag.

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