Chapter 7

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Raph POV:

We got back to the lair after Splinter saved us from Tiger Claw and the other mutants. But not all of us made it back home. Leo was taken by Karai, for what we don't know...yet. I went to Donnie's lab to see him talking with Splinter, Mikey, April and Casey. "You alright April?" I asked. "I'm fine. Thanks Raph." she said with a slight smile. "So where's Leo? I haven't seen him yet." she asked. "Leonardo was taken by Karai." Splinter told her. "But why would Karai take Leo and leave the rest of the guys?" she asked. "It could be that Karai sees Leo as an equal and spared him, but imprisoned him." Donnie suggested. "I don't think so Donnie," I chimed in. If Karai wanted to take her equal, she would've taken me." I told him. "Yeah right Raph, we all know that when it comes to skill and fighting Leo beats you by a long shot." Mikey laughed. Anger quickly boiled inside me. "Get over here you!" I yelled at Mikey, chasing him around the lab.

"I agree that Miwa did not take Leonardo for his fighting skills." Splinter said. "The way Tiger Claw said it made it seem like she kept him as a possession or pet." Splinter said as I tackled Mikey to the ground. "Dude! I give up!"Mikey screamed. I let go of Mikey and went to listen to any other ideas as to why Karai took Leo. "A pet?" I asked. "I think there may be a more likely explanation." April said. "She took him to serve the Shredder." she said. "The Shredder!" Splinter exclaimed. "How could this be?" he asked. "The brain worm they used on me a while back." I suggested. "That would make sense, or they're using him as bait in case the plan to poison us failed." Donnie said.

"We do not yet know why they took Leonardo, but we will soon know." Splinter said. "For now we must figure out a way to save Leonardo," he said. "I may have just the thing." Donnie said. "But I'll need time." "Okay Donnie will work on a way to get Leo and the rest of us will find something useful to do." Mikey said. I was headed to my room when Casey came up to me. "Yo, Raph." he said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Dude, when Karai poisoned me, she kissed me! I think she likes me, man." My eyes widened at what he said. "When we get Leo back, you will never tell him that!" I asked him "Why?" he asked, confused. "You know how Leo feels about her." I reminded him. "Hey man, she kissed me," he said. "Casey walk me through what happened." I told him. "Okay man" he said before he explained.

"You idiot." I said to Casey. "What?" he asked. "She didn't kiss you because she likes you! She kissed you to catch you off guard! In that state it made it easier for the poison to take effect." I slapped his head. "No way man, next time I see her I'll ask her," he said before leaving. I decided instead of heading to my room to go to the dojo, where I found Splinter meditating. "Is there something you need my son?" he asked, not opening his eyes. "Sensei, do you think we'll be able to get Leo back?" I asked him. "Do not worry Raphael. We will get him back. And we will get Karai back as well." he said, getting up, putting his hand on my shoulder. "How do you know Sensei?" I asked him. "I do not," he said. "I have hope. You should too." he said as he walked to his room. "Don't worry Leo, we'll bring you home." I said in the empty dojo. "Oh Raphie?" Mikey called out. "Yeah Mikey?" I asked. "I know how to cheer you up," he said. "Oh yeah what's that?" I asked him. I was then hit in the face with a water balloon. Mikey! I yelled chasing him around the dojo. 

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