Chapter 13

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Leo POV:

Karai and I made it to the docks to find my brothers and April and Casey fighting Bebop and Rocksteady. We ducked behind some shipping containers to watch it all play out. Rocksteady charged Donatello and April. April was able to slow him down using her powers, and Raphael jumped onto Rocksteady grabbing him by the horn, steering him away from Donatello and April. Meanwhile Bebop was fighting Michelangelo and Casey. Bebop turned on his stealth suit and disappeared. "Where did he go?" Casey asked, then whacked in the back by Bebop. Casey fell but Mikey twirled his nunchucks around until he hit Bebop in the snout. "Ow!" Bebop exclaimed. "You hit me in my piggy snout!" he shouted.

I looked at Karai and asked her "How long do you think each fight will last? She looked at me and smiled. "About six minutes for Bebop and about eleven for Rocksteady." she said with a chuckle. "Do you think we should call for more foot bots?" I asked her. "No." she said. "If these morons loose then I shall take care of the turtles." she said her eyes turned serpent like. I could feel Karai's anger. I wanted my brothers to pay for what they have done to both Karai and me. Raphael steered Rocksteady towards the shipping container we were behind and Karai and I leaped out of the way to a new hiding spot.

"Get off me turtle freak!" Rocksteady yelled. "Whatever you say." Raphael said as he leaped off Rocksteady after steering him towards the water. "Oh no." Rocksteady said as he fell in the water. "Back off turtles!" Bebop said as he dodged all the incoming attacks. "I got him." April said as she used her powers to freeze Bebop and throw him across the docks into a shipping container. "That is it." Rocksteady said as he got out of the water. "Now I will crush you all!" He yelled as charged towards us. "How do you think this will turn out, love?" Karai asked me. "Not well." I said. My brothers all moved out of the way and Rocksteady charged into the same shipping container as Bebop.

I looked at Karai who was ready to attack my brothers. Her skin pale and scaly, her fangs bearing. "That wasn't so hard was it?" Raphael asked. "Yeah you'd think the Foot would have more men to make sure the transaction went smoothly." April said. "They didn't even use the weapons." Donnie pointed out. "I am kinda sad Karai wasn't here though." Casey said. "Why?" Mikey asked. "To find out what happened to Leo?" "No," Casey said. "I'd ask her if the kiss we had meant anything." Casey said. I looked at Karai. "Kiss? You kissed him?" I asked her angrily. She shrugged nervously. "Relax my love. The kiss meant nothing, it was to catch him off guard. You are the only one I love." she said "You really think I'd be interested in that?" she asked. "Alright." What's the plan?" I asked. "Watch." Karai said as she kissed me on the cheek. and jumped down startling my brothers.

"Karai!" Raphael said. "What have you done with Leo?" he asked her. "Yeah and did the kiss mean anything?" Casey asked. Karai looked at Casey disgusted. "No, I kissed you to catch you off guard and make it easier to poison you. And besides, my heart belongs to someone else." She said as she began to attack them. "What have you done with Leo?" Raphael asked again. "Don't worry he's fine. You should be worrying about yourselves right now." she said, kicking Raphael in the face. Michelangelo swung his nunchuck at Karai but she caught it and pulled it, getting him off balance so she knocked him to the ground. Donatello swung his staff and Casey swung his hockey stick, but Karai moved out of the way so that Donatello and Casey hit each other, knocking them both to the ground. "Man, I really love Karai." I thought to myself as Karai attacked my brothers. As Karai was about to get April, Raphael grabbed her and pinned her to the ground and held sai to her face. "Where is my brother?" he asked. I couldn't let them hurt Karai, so I decided to help her. I jumped into the air yelling as I joined the fight.

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