Chapter 16

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Karai POV:

Two days had passed and Leo and I were on our way to the sewer where my father defeated Splinter during the Kraang Invasion. When we arrived we set up the trap. Once the turtles entered the gates would shut, trapping them here. After the gates shut, foot bots would appear and attack them. The foot bots would be set to mimic the turtle's skills. We will either kill Splinter or capture him for my father. My revenge is almost complete, I will have everything I want. I have Leo as my love and I am never letting him go, and I will soon have revenge on the person who killed my mother.

Leo and I went back to see my father. "The trap is set father." I informed him. "Good Karai." my father said. He got up and walked towards us and placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Avenge Karai's mother, Leonardo. Prove yourself worthy of Karai's love." he said. "Yes Master." Leo said. This made me a bit uneasy. I didn't want Leo to think he had to do this to be worthy of my love, he already was. We walked out of the throne room and headed back to where we set the trap. "Leo, you know you don't have to succeed at this to be worthy of my love right?" I asked. "You know I love you no matter what." He looked at me and I stared into his ocean blue eyes. "I know Karai." He said with a faint smile. "Let's keep moving".

When we arrived at the sewer tunnel, I used Leo's old T-Phone to call Raphael. "Leo?" he asked. "Guess again." I said. "Karai. Where's my brother?" Raphael asked, anger rising in his voice. "Don't worry he's fine, he's with me." I said. "Where are you?" Raphael asked. "I'll send you the location after this call. And make sure when you bring Splinter along with you." I said. "Why should we?" Raphael asked. "Because if you don't, Leo dies." I said. "You wouldn't, I saw you at the docks. You won't hurt him." Raphael said as if he called my bluff. "Leonardo is of no use to us anymore. I manipulated him into believing I loved him, now he dies if you don't bring the rat." I said. "You witch!" Raphael steamed. "If you hurt him I swear I'll-" "You'll do nothing." I said. and hung up.

I sent our location to Raphael and waited. I looked at Leo and he looked back at me with sadness in his eyes. "What is it, love?" I was concerned. "Is what you told him true?" he asked. "Do you really love me or was it all you manipulating me? Will you get rid of me when I'm no longer of use?" I couldn't believe he thought that what I told Raphael was true. "Oh no of course not, my love." I said as I ran to him and hugged him. "I love you more than anything and I will love you forever. I am so sorry you thought what I told him was true." I apologized as I held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I said to him, "I love you too." Leo said. 

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