Chapter 10

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Shredder POV:

"You two shall meet me in the throne room in two hours. Until then rest up." I dismissed my daughter and the former student of Hamato Yoshi. After they left I went to my throne to think. I removed my helmet and sat in my chair, thinking of the most painful way to destroy Hamato Yoshi and the turtles. I smiled as the thought of finally destroying them entered my mind. Then I thought of the turtle that serves me. Leonardo. "He was able to beat me in mere minutes. Could he be plotting to betray me?" I thought to myself. "No. The brain worm is in full effect. Besides betraying me would be betraying Karai, which is something he cannot do. He cares for her too much." I continued to think. "I can't believe my daughter loves that mutant turtle. And to think of all the times I could've killed him. But he is the most skilled of the turtles." I got up from my chair and went to Stockman's laboratory.

"When the turtles come to save their fallen brother, they will all see what I have done. And they will cower in fear." I reached Stockman's laboratory and entered. "Stockman." I called out. "Yes Master Shredder?" the fly man responded. "How may I serve you?" he asked. "I want to know how well the brain worm worked on Leonardo, and if it can be reversed." I told him. "The brain worm is working at 100% efficiency, Master. And it is impossible to remove the brain worm, without damaging Leonardo." he responded. "Good." I told him. "I want nothing to be able to take Leonardo away from Karai." Stockman nodded. "Yes Master." he said before flying away.

I entered the dojo to find Tiger Claw, Xever, and Bradford all still recovering from their encounter with Leonardo. "Master Shredder." Tiger Claw said. "I do not think it is wise to keep that turtle around. He could betray you." he said before continuing to tend to his wounds. "I say we kill him after he's no longer useful." Bradford suggested. I smacked him across the face. "Leonardo will stay with us until he no longer makes Karai happy." I said in a booming voice. "I still can't believe Karai loves that turtle." Xever said. "Yeah." Bradford laughed. "Imagine what their kids would look like." They all began laughing at this. "Enough!" I yelled. "You will show respect to both Karai and Leonardo, or you will suffer the consequences." I ordered, extending the blades on my gauntlet. "Yes Master Shredder." they all said in union. "Good". I said before leaving.

I went to the dungeon to the cell where Karai was kept before she had been transformed into a mutant serpent. I hated having to put her under the influence of a brain worm, but she is here with me. Karai is here and now so is Leonardo, I have everything I need to exact my revenge on Hamato Yoshi, except one thing. I entered my throne room. I went to the window and looked outside at the city. "I know you are out there, Hamato Yoshi, it's only a matter of time before I find you." I said to the empty room. I looked back away from the window with a realization. "And I know just how to find you." I said as I began to laugh a maniacal laugh. "You will die, Hamato Yoshi. I will make sure of it."

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