New Job

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   It had been three days since you have started living in The Uncanny Apartments in The Uncanny Apartments. You had luckily woke up when your alarm had went off so you could have a good amount of time to take a shower and eat breakfast.

   When you got on the bus you sat down and pulled out your phone and started listening to music on your phone. The bus stopped at another stop and you saw that a recognizable face. It looked like that guy you saw at the café the other day. He had the same long black hair and black jacket. 'Damn, He is actually kinda cute', you thought to your self and that when you realized you where staring at him so you quickly looked way. 

  After another stop and one more person got on you noticed he was staring at you. You got quite nervous because you thought he was judging  your every move. You did always have some sort of social anxiety. It didn't mean you where entirely scared to talk to people just you kinda thought people were always judging you and that lowered your self esteem and your self respect a little. Your stop had came and you got to work.

  They day had been quite slow. You only got a few customers that day and you only had a small chat with them. That day was a day where you really wanted to actually chat with someone. Then the guy from the bus walked in and came up to the register.

 "Hi, how my I help you". You asked the man. "You smell nice...", he said in response. 'That kinda a creepy thing to say', you thought to yourself. "Thanks, I guess... Do you need anything else sir?" you asked him. "What's your name?", he wanted to know your name. 'why does he wanna know my name? My name is also on my name tag why is he asking?', you thought to your self. "My name is (Y/N) (L/C)." You told him. "That's probably a name I have heard before. My name is !#$!%, but you can call my John Doe", He said. "Are you free after work?" he asked. "No I am not busy after work , Why do you ask?" After you asked that he walked out of the gas station.

  'He is really cute, I kinda hope we meet up again.' you thought to yourself. Even after you thought that you kinda thought he was a little creepy.

        419 words. I am listening to a John Doe inspired playlist while writing this.

There ya go the playlist.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter also shout out to my friend @LI_NEHEHEHE. To be honest I wouldn't have written this if it weren't for them so yeah thx!!

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