Chapter 6: starting missions

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After final selection
Tanjiro’s POV

  Final selection is finally over. Zenitsu has been even more annoying since I went back to him. He has been crying, yelling, and holding onto me.

“Zenitsu, I'm very sorry for leaving you.” I apologize for the hundredth time, using all my strength to sound genuine and not strangle him. “YOU LEFT ME!”He yelled. “I got lost. I won’t leave you like that again.” I said. “Promise?” He asked. “Promise.” I lied.

On their way back, an hour away from the mountain

  I now have my crow and the liquid that should make it a spy for the demons. Enmu has been visiting me in my demon and told me how to use it. He is so nice, good looking and- SNAP OUT OF IT TANJIRO!

  “Tanjiro? Are you ok?” Zenitsu asked. “Yeah, why do you ask?” I asked. “ Your heart beat increased and your face is a bit red.” He answered. “Oh. I met someone when we got separated.” I said, feeling my face heat up. I technically wasn’t lying. I did meet Enmu when I got away from Zenitsu.

  “Oh. What’s his name?” He asked. He smelled disappointed. Please don’t tell me he has a crush on me.

  “His name is Enmu.” I said. “That’s nice. Maybe you will get to see him again. Hey, you could even introduce us. A friend of yours is a friend of mine.” He said, doing his best to sound happy. “Yeah, maybe.” I said, smiling. There is no way he will meet Enmu or any of my friends. Except Kaigaku of course.

  “Hey, race ya to the next village.” I said. “You’re on.” He said, excited.

2 weeks later
Tanjiro’s POV

  “THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE! “ Zenitsu yelled. “Who’s here?” I asked, hiding my annoyance. “The swordsmith is here with our swords!” He exclaimed. Finally, I got up, Zenitsu and I ran to the main room.

  I saw master Kuwajima and a man wearing a weird pink mask, sitting on the ground. “Come you two, sit down and receive your swords.” The man said. We sat down opposite of them. 

  “Who is Zenitsu and who is Tanjiro?” The man asked. “I am Tanjiro, this is Zenitsu.” I said. The man handed us our swords then began to explain what the swords are and what they mean. It just faded to the background.

  ‘Hey Oto-san, I am getting my sword now. I can finally visit again.’ I told Oto-san. ‘That’s great Tanjiro. Also, is there something going on between you and Enmu?’ He replied. ‘No, why?’ I lied. ‘Tanjiro. I raised you, I know when you lie.’ He said. ‘... Fine. Him and I have been chatting and are setting up a date.’ I said, nervously. He was silent for a bit. ‘Well~ I have to go. Talk later.’ I said.

  “Who would like to go first?” Master Kuwajima asked. “Me!” Zenitsu exclaimed. “Lift your sword and it will change color. This will be my first time watching a blade turn yellow!” The man said, the last part excitedly.

  Zenitsu picked up his sword. We all watched as the blade turned yellow. Zenitsu has a big smile. “YEAH!” The man yelled.

   “Your turn.” The man said, pointing at me. “I bet your sword will turn bright red, like your hair.” The man said. “It will probably turn either yellow for thunder breathing or purple for moon breathing.” Master Kuwajima said. “We’ll see.” The man said.

  I lifted my sword. Everyone watched as my sword turned into a midnight purple. Just like Koku told me it would. “OH COME ON!” The man yelled. “Your blade looks very nice.” Zenitsu said. I forgot he was here. I turned to him and smiled. “Thank you Zenitsu. Yours is nice too.” I said. It looks exactly like Kaigaku’s.

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