chapter 8: mt. Natagumo

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At the bottom of mt. Natagumo
Tanjiro's POV

  I wonder what happened to get Ani's mountain on the demon hunters full attention.

  "LET'S GET MOVING!" Inosuke yelled, running into the forest on the mountain. I started walking in as well but stopped when I noticed Zenitsu wasn’t coming. Why does he have to be so annoying?

  I turned around to face him. “Are you coming?” I asked. He looked terrified. “I DON’T WANNA GO IN THERE! A DEMON WILL EAT ME!” He screamed. He is such a baby. “You can stay out here if you like. I won’t force you to come in.” I said, then went into the forest.

  “Oto-san.” I said telepathically. “Yes?” He responded. “Can you ask Ani what is going on at his mountain? At least two others and I are on a mission here.” I told him. “I’ll set up a telepathic wave between you two so you can communicate.” He replied. “Ok.” I said.

  I reached a clearing and saw a lot of dead hunters. There must be at least a hundred. I heard something and looked over to see Inosuke fighting another hunter. I started running over and saw the strings on the hunter. Looks like the blood demon art Ani gave his fake mother.

  I cut the webs and the hunter immediately fell. Looks like she’s already dead. “WHAT DID YOU DO KAMPAJIRO?!” Inosuke screamed. I turned to him, doing my best to keep my mask up. “She is dead. There were webs controlling her. It’s probably a blood demon art.” I explained.

  “There is someone getting closer to us!” He exclaimed. I turned around and saw another hunter running to us. He smells alive.

  “Are you back up?” He asked, when he got to us. “Yes.” I responded. “Please tell me you’re hashiras.” He pleaded. “No. We are minzunoto.” I replied. “WE DON’T NEED MORE MINZUNOTO! WE NEED HASHIRAS!” He screamed.

  So we should be expecting some hashiras. Very good.

  “We can still help. Can you catch us up on what’s going on?” I asked. He sighed. “I’m the last left. There is something that can take over our bodies and make us kill each other.” He said. “Are you talking about the webs that were controlling a corpse a bit ago?” I asked. He looked at me blankly.

  “Webs?” He asked.

  “Hi Tanjiro.” Ani said. “Hi Ani. I’m at your mountain and there should be some hashiras arriving. What has been going on here?” I asked.  “Hashiras? There has just been some demon hunters attacking. My fake mom and brother have been taking care of all of them.” He replied.

  “You attached to anyone in your fake family?” I asked. “No. You can kill them. We’ll fake fight and make you look very strong in front of a hashira before I make an escape.” He explained. “Sounds good. I’ll make sure Inosuke runs into your fake dad.” I replied.

  “We should hurry before that demon gets us. I smell multiple demons on this mountain.” I said. “Smell?!” The demon hunter exclaimed. “I have a very good sense of smell. There are five demons on this mountain.” I said. “LESS TALKING MORE FIGHTING!” Inosuke yelled before running deeper into the forest. The demon hunter and I followed after.

Meanwhile with Zenitsu
Zenitsu’s POV

  Why did I come in here? It’s so scary and I don’t know where Tanjiro is. I should have just stayed at the bottom of the mountain.

  I have my sword close to my chest and am walking through the forest. I stopped when I heard something crawling at my feet. I looked down and saw a spider with a demon face.

  “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I screamed.

A while later with  Tanjiro
Tanjiro's POV

  I left Inosuke with Ani's fake father. Now I can finally get to Ani without any worry.

  "Are you nearby?" Ani asked. "I see you." I responded. I stopped running right behind Ani. “Hi Ani.” I said. Ani jumped when he heard me then punched me in the leg. “OW! What was that for?” I asked. “Don’t sneak up on me!” He exclaimed, then hugged me. I went down and hugged him back.

“I missed you.” He said. “I missed you too. I didn’t get to see you last time I was home.” I said. “Awww. Did I miss anything?” He asked. “Enmu and I are officially dating, I called Koku papa for the first time, and papa gave me his hilt from when he was a hashira.” I said. “Really?" Ani asked. I nodded in response.

I smelled the air. Hunters. "Ani, I smell two demon hunters coming this way from different directions. They are far away but we should start fake fighting." I said.

  Giyuu's POV

I left that boar kid so he won’t get hurt. I sense one of the twelve Kizuki up ahead. *CRASH*

I ran even quicker. I got to the clearing and saw a red head demon slayer, fighting lower five. I went to attack. “Fifth form: moon spirit calamitous eddy!” The boy exclaimed. What form is that?

The demon barely dodged the attack. “WHAT KIND OF BREATHING IS THAT?!” The demon yelled. The boy didn’t answer. “Fifth form: Heated lighting!” The boy exclaimed.

Wait a minute… did he?

The demon called out something I couldn’t hear. He again, barely dodged the attack. A door appeared and opened. The demon ran through and just as soon as it appeared, the door closed.

“Ara Ara~” A voice said. I know that annoying Ara Ara anywhere. I turned to look at where Kocho was. “Hello there. Were you the one fighting the demon?” Kocho asked the boy. He turned to us.

“Yes, he got away though. Who are you two?” He responded. “We are hashiras. But, who did all of that?” She asked. We all looked behind where the demon was. It looked like there used to be a lot of trees there. They’re destroyed now.

“Uhh, hahaha. Yeah, I didn’t even realize that. Sorry.” He said, apologetically. “What breathing style was that?” I asked, still a bit shocked. The boy and Kocho looked at me. Kocho looked back at the boy.

“What’s your name, rank, and breathing style?” She asked the boy. “My name is Kamado Tanjiro, my rank is Minzunoto, and my breathing styles are thunder breathing and moon breathing.” He answered.

Urokodaki told me about moon breathing. How does this kid know it? “What is moon breathing?” Kocho asked. “It’s a extremely rare and destructive breathing style that has only been used by one person. Four hundred years ago.” I answered.

“Is that so?” Kocho said. “I was taught by a family friend. I wasn’t aware of how rare it is though.” Kamado said, putting his katana away. “Why don’t we all head back to the butterfly mansion? There are a few injured slayers and I would like to learn more about you, considering you use moon breathing and a second style.” Kocho said. “I’ll do one more check around the mountain then catch up with you. I saw a slayer with a boar head.” I said.

“Are you talking about Inosuke?” Kamado asked. “I don’t know his name.” I said, then left.

Tanjiro’s Pov

Looks like I’m heading to the base. “Oto-san. I ran into two hashiras and they are taking me and others to their base.” I reported. “Great job. Make sure to get as much information as you can.” Oto-san said. Got it.” I said.

This is gonna be fun.

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