Chapter 7:solving the case

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Germany pov:

The case of the countries being hurt are starting to higher,I am thinking of what could be the cases as I looked at my board,first was the random girl who wasn't from my school,I asked some of her classmates to find she was a nerd and a geek and there was a rumour that she was a stalker which was very right and they said that she broke up with someone months ago and she stalked him until he moved out of the country cause of her,next was when I got detention with Philippines,Indonesia,Malaysia,America,Russia,Brazil,Poland,Mexico,Italy and Greece each having a reason for going to detention the closest one that might have done the murder on the girl was Philippines,Indonesia and Malaysia might have helped but they said Philippines asked them,I still think indo and mal just lied to me about that,next was the Belarus and Norway drama and Norway being hit by a car,some say that Norway just tripped Resulting him getting injured,while some say that the driver was targeting him to die or it was a lazy driver that hit him,some also say that someone kicked him in the leg making him tripped and then running away,the last even tho it was unlikely some think that is especially Belgium,he told that Canada might have done it not New Zealand but I brushed it off and said to him that was nonsense and Canada wouldn't do such a thing even if he was always trying to act positive all the time and cheer up the mood but it always seem to stuck with me and my guts were telling me it was Canada,I kept ignoring the thoughts in my head and started to see the next stuff was the random blonde guy that I swear he was from an anime that childhood friend japan,she told me the anime and the name was something like demon killer?,I don't even remember the name because it was nonsense and I should stop with these dumb memories,I looked at the kids in detention I had a few weeks ago routines,each they routines were quite nothing odd each of them being busy to not commit a crime,my guesses that could have done the crimes were,Russia,Philippines and America,out of them all they were all very suspicious cause of they routines,I decided to think when Poland and Singapore came,since we're all in club and we weren't suspicious at each other cause when Norway,a random girl and random blonde dude and Myanmar,Were attacked,Poland took out a picture of Jordan being hurt and a star that looks like New Zealand he said

Poland:the star looks like New Zealand but someone could be framing him 

Singapore:yes maybe but he was the last person in the school at the time,could he done a self report


Germany:Poland this is no time for jokes this is a seriously problem 


Germany:but the star looks like New Zealand's after all

Singapore:ok but both Myanmar and random blonde dude both were killed at the night,technically the blonde dude not Myanmar he is still breathing 

Singapore,Germany and Poland kept talking about who done it

Ukraine pov:

These cases are crazy,my best friend,Poland is helping Singapore and Germany about these cases and guessing who done it,I immediately stopped when I saw Canada,every since when Canada came around I always stop,it gets annoying,I never knew why,when Canada was out of my sight,I kept walking forwards and started to speed walk,I got to my class,I sat next to Belarus and sweden,everyone took a seat and the class began,when lunch came around I sat with my siblings and started to eat,Belarus ate quickly then usually and then went to new Zealand and started to talk with him,I didn't care much but Kazakhstan did quite care for Belarus cause he was her favourite,he walked there and asked them if he could sit with them,both said yes,Russia said I bet you 45 dollars if Kazakhstan leaves Belarus and New Zealand Behind in 5 mins,I said ok but if he doesn't in 5 mins you give me the 45 bucks,we both ok,5 mins pass yet,Kazakhstan hasn't left Belarus and New Zealand,i told Russia to give me the money which he angrily gave,after school I went to the garden and started to make flower crowns,I loved flower crowns a lot that I kinda sell them but a lot people don't buy them so I only make them for myself,the next day I woke up,got ready,I got a text saying that there was going be meeting,I immediately got changed in a suit,as well as my siblings and we all got into the car,I was arguing with Russia,when we got there I bolted to the room to see everyone,I know that every county in the same room for a meeting isn't odd at all but not usually and since i see every country lately now,I got to my seat as well my siblings and the person that was on stage was Germany,Singapore and Poland,un and nato were besides them and they started to tell the cases,it was sort of boring but as least they are trying to get the killer,until Germany stop half way through

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