Chapter 2:the meeting

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Canada pov:

I was sleeping and dreaming about but all suddenly my mom,France woke me up and told me to get in a suit so I did what she said I got into my suit wore a red tie as red is my favourite colour when I got down everyone was there and we start eating the food.when we were done my dad Britain told us to get in the car.I asked what are we going do and they said we were going to the un meeting,on a daily basis a un meeting happens every Sunday but today it was a Thursday so I    knew it was something about the murder at my school.Once we got there we was sated at our seats and waited for the meeting.ame got up and started to talk with some countries I just sat there as waiting wasn't going be to long right? nope an hour later it still didn't started I was going to talk to some countries about the crime but I knew that was of me so I wait 10mins later the un meeting started everyone sat at they seats and started listening to un

Un pov:

Every country was seated and I started the meeting                                                                                              Hello if you may or may not know today's meeting is about the crime about yesterday I been inform about all evidence that could a suspect new or old let's take a look and make some theories.first we don't have a lot of things but we know the murderer must have had the weapon in there bag or dispose it the day before because no weapons were contain with blood or had blood before someone cleaned it off and no hidden weapons were there.                                                 The first evidence we have is the body itself.the body had a slash on the head so couldn't be a gun shot at all.the second evidence we have are the students the dead of this person was done quickly no bruises were find on the body so it had to be that the murderer was near or very quickly to kill her and was hid in a bush also the girl wasn't even from that school she was from a different school she was holding a camera with so she might be taking pictures of the school.thirdly and the most useful evidence we have is this piece of red hair in this bag and it's a Countries one if the research was 100% sure so please any Countries with red hair come with me

Indonesia pov:

I was forced to go with other countries I was besides Singapore and asked him if t we'll fine he told me it go down fine unless they find out your the murderer in a sarcastic tone.Vietnam laugh at the joke and said lol non of us were the murderer ok? We were all together just outside of cafeteria so it be impossible to do that with us noticing expect Thailand I mean he was with America but he still fine .I looked over to the triplets,Laos ,Thailand and wait where Cambodia? Right Cambodia has blue hair I looked over to some other countries,Peru,china,the Maldives,Norway,Belarus magascar(if I spelled that right ;-;) and Canada? Yes I know Canada is a suspect but his probably the one we least think his the killer after all and more.we got to a small room with seats,we all sat down and the meeting started,everyone was questioned the no one or nothing look out of the ordinary Belarus said that Canada wanted to sit with her brothers and his brother New Zealand,Norway backed them up,Netherlands was sitting with his two friends Luxembourg and Belgium which Thailand back them up,everyone had a back up so we were all excused to leave when we got out there was a huge huge fight going we heard theories,explanations and anything but the biggest of them all was Russia and America's huge argument about they might have been the killer throwing each theories and explanations un shouted so loud some brick pieces fell of the ceiling and walls and pillars had some cracks everyone was shock and frightened from the loud shout,un never shout and we know now the reason why. Un said that the meeting in now done and we can leave now and Russia and America go back right now before I do it again in an angry tone so we know his angry.I decided to leave with the rest of asean .Netherlands poke me on the shoulders he whisper to me and said who do think it is I know it's not you,me or anyone,everyone has an alibi.I said I don't know but I think I know that the murderer is probably in the school I walked away so did neth

Belgium pov:

Today was my turn to get the groceries and I walking there I got a basket and start taking stuff. when I was the grabbing some fruits I heard an argument I went to check it out there was a I couldn't see them cause there were too many people I could only the boy standing so I just stand there and hear it.Please forgive am sorry I broke your heart someone said and then I heard a familiar voice of the other person,NO YOU BROKE MY HEART NOW GO AWAY OK!?was it Canada's voice? I can't tell but it just felt like it was like Canada was in a relationship before but breaking up  with that man I decided to just left the scene and went to the cashier and paid for it.when I got back I told both Luxembourg and Netherlands and they laughed.of course they didn't believed it and I  can believe why but they are my friends. I was mad but I didn't care I just put down the groceries,get ready sleep,got on my bed and slept

In the morning

Still Belgium pov:

I woke up get dressed,eat breakfast and all that other stuff but the bus was catching on a bit late so me and my two friends decided to watch news for no reason at all like what?but that was thing I wasn't prepared on the news someone died and it was the man from the store I was in fear I told both neth and luxem about it and they were pale And started to believe me but weren't for sure if I was saying the truth of course the bus arrive and closed the tv,we sat on bus I was looking pale japan walked over to me and asked what wrong I told I was fine and I needed some time alone.when it was recess neth,luxem and me sat on a bench and we started talking about the crime.I said what if it's Canada?luxem and neth laugh and said that's so funny why would think it be him?I just reply I don't know when I at the store I felt Canada was the one who rejected and killed the man.

Belgium now thinks Canada is a murderer

Would he find out or be ki11ed?



I am finally done with chapter two and please read the somethings I wanna say or whatever because I will add Belgium and Luxembourg in there while Netherlands cause forgot to ;-;

Bye see another chapter if I had any motivation left 🙃

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