Chapter 8:interrogation

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Un:ok who did it?

Belgium:why are you asking that so forward?

New Zealand:if your going say it like that,I don't think neither us would say yes at all

Un:yea weird way to start it huh?

Belgium and New Zealand agreed

Un:but I don't think neither of you two are either evil or have to do something with the murders,it's strange isn't it?

Belgium:what's strange?

Un:on how Myanmar was still in school,if it were him,he would have gone home by that time

New Zealand:same with Belgium but Myanmar your right it strange how he didn't go home that time,I mean his always on time most of time

Un:I will still ask you both questions as I don't know if you guys really are evil like what Germany suspected

Belgium:am fine with that

New Zealand:same here

Un ask them a couple of questions,neither both of they answers were weird or didn't match up

Un:ok here's the final question then you may leave

Belgium:what is it?

Un:when you two were in the school did anything looked odd

New Zealand:nothing really expect Canada getting less sleep again for random reasons

Belgium:my friend Luxembourg just making disgusting salads with oh you don't wanna know

Un:well that solves it,you both are free of charges until farther notice and one more thing

New Zealand:yea?

Un would you two like to investigate with me,Germany,Poland and Singapore as the saying more the merrier 

Belgium:yea I don't mind at all,at least we won't suspected

New Zealand:your right

Un:tomorrow shall we?

Belgium and New Zealand:ok we don't mind

The next day

New Zealand pov:

I started to get dressed and I went out,I decided to take the local bus and I said bye with my family,I went to the bus stop to see Belgium,we both got on bus and then we talked what do we think who did what murder as it's sort of hot topic now

Belgium:so on the list on suspects are Germany-

New Zealand:wait why Germany?

Belgium:because he always has a good story and clues who back it up,feels suspicious doesn't it?

New Zealand:your right but when the murders started it I got suspicious of Canada

Belgium:not going lie am also suspicious of him-

Belgium:how wait were at the stop let's go

New Zealand:k

Germany pov

Wow great non of suspected things are not enough and now they joining me and my friends,how hard is it to find a murderer,I mean they good at hiding it but am so tired of it like so much 

Un:ok the last two are here,let me do a count check,germany,Poland,Singapore,New Zealand Belgium,perfect everyone is here!let's go inside and see for any clues

New Zealand:well this is going be long day

3 hours later

Singapore:anything guys?


Belgium:at this point can we just go home un

Un:dont give up so easily guys

Germany:un we don't want to give up but we don't have anything maybe tomorrow 

New Zealand:hold up,we're answering the wrong question

Germany:what wrong question 

New Zealand:the question we been trying to answer was,who killed Myanmar but the read question was why was Myanmar still at school,it's doesn't add up.

Poland:wait guys follow me 

Singapore pov:

Wait hold up poland why are running so fast poland wait up! As Poland started to show down we were greeted with Myanmar's locker.

Belgium:why are we at Myanmar's locker?

Poland:because *opens locker* of this a note

Germany:a note what's so important?

Poland:*opens note*look what it says

Note:meet me at the front gate,Belgium 

Belgium:that is not my hand writing

Germany:that ain't Belgium hand writing,it's to scribbled,Belgium hand writing is more cleaner than this

New Zealand:then who did wrote the note?



Am sorry for the long wait🥲because I lost all my motivation sadly and anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night byeeee

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