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Lisa's pov

I try to scan through the papers that nikolai gave me to review and find if there is any hidden clause

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I try to scan through the papers that nikolai gave me to review and find if there is any hidden clause. The keyword being try.

I am nervous.
Nervous because this is my first day in the office.
Because this is my first assignment.
Because Jungkook is standing right behind me.
Because he is so close that I can smell his rich
Because his full attention is on me
And Because it feels good

"Can you give me some space? I can't work when
you are distracting me." I blurted out before realising that he is my boss now. I had became so casual with him over the days that we are kind of like friends now.

"So I distract you?" he concludes “my presence
makes you nervous doesn't it" he continued gripping
my chin and lifting it till he can see my face. His eyes staring at mine with so much intensity that it feels like I might burn

"No" I lied

"Why are you bothered then?" He asked and I have
no answer for him.

When I entered this building today, I wasn't expecting
to be having this conversation with my boss. I wasn't
expecting him to be my boss. But here he is standing
smugly as if he won a lottery.

"I'll give you space" he smirked before taking his
seat behind the desk and across from me.

His gaze still lingers on me but at least it's better than having him being so close.

I looked through the papers occasionally highlighting
things that can be used against the company in the

"Here. I have highlighted some things that may become a problem later" I said handing him the papers and standing up to leave.

"Did I gave you permission to leave?" he asked
looking into my eyes

"But my work is done" I said confused

"Sit down" he ordered before looking through the
papers I just reviewed.

I can't help but think how different he looks and
behaves from how he looked a week ago. His hair is gelled to perfection. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath. And he looks like the epitome of perfection. His dominating aura oozes of him that can intimidate anyone.

"I can't work when you are staring at me love" he
said using my words against me causing me to blush
and avert my eyes. And that nickname. It sounds so
good from his lips. A smirk appears on his face from my reaction and I want to either slap or kiss that smirk out of his face.

A few minutes pass by with him reading the contract
and me staring at my nails while occasionally glancing at him.

When he is done reading it, he looked up with what I
think is an impressed look on his face.

"You did well. Great job." He said. A real smile graces his face instead of the usual smirk and he looks even more beautiful. I feel giddy to have impressed him and making him smile. Something tells me he doesn't smile much.

"Thank you sir" I said smiling back at him

"Jungkook," he said

"What?" I asked confused

"You are gonna call me Jungkook" he clarified staring intently at me

"But you are my boss and its unprofessional to call
you by your name" I replied

"It's not if I asked you to do so. What is
unprofessional is arguing with your boss" he replied

When was I arguing with him?

"Do you tell all your employees to call you by your
name?" I wondered

"Just you" those two words from him makes my
heart flutter. Like I am special and I mean something
to him.

"May I leave now?" I asked

"No" he is really testing my patience today

"What else can I do for you sir?" I asked purposely
not using his name just to get into his nerves like he is doing with me right now and he knows that if his smile is an indication

"I want you to accompany me to a meeting tonight" he said causing my eyes to widen in surprise

"But I am just an intern and it is just my first day.
Shouldn't you take someone who has more idea of
these things?" I asked looking at him as though he is

"I want you to go with me and what I say goes here.
Didn't I told you that already?" He asked causing me
to roll my eyes at his arrogant behaviour when he
wasn't looking

"Alright. Just text me the address and the time. I will
be there" I said giving up knowing I am not gonna

"7 p.m. I will pick you up from your house" he said
and I nod before waiting for his permission to leave noticing that I am still there he finally let me go.

The whole day after that was uneventful. I made a
few friends and we even had lunch together. I saw
Jungkook leave during lunch and I think he didn't return since. Overall I had a nice day.

Now it's time to get ready for dinner.

I wonder what craziness will this dinner bring to my

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