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Lisa's pov

I spin around in Jungkook's chair as I wait for hisassistant to come as he said

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I spin around in Jungkook's chair as I wait for his
assistant to come as he said.

A knock resonates through the door and I said come in. The door opens and a beautiful woman walks in.

She had rich chocolate skin adorned by tattoos and
piercings. Her black hair highlights her heart-shaped face perfectly and an aura of confidence surrounds her. She is wearing all-black clothes and gives off badass vibes. I watch her in awe as she strides off confidently and takes her seat across from me. She looks so different from how I have seen her in the office sometimes.

"Boss lady" she greeted me looking at me up and
down before extending her hand to me to shake. My
eyes widen at what she called me and I looked at her

"I am Mina" she introduced herself

"Lisa" I said shaking her hand with a firm grip

"I know. We met a few times before you were
kidnapped. I am Jimin's sister " she said surprising

"Oh. I am sorry I don't remember" I said smiling
politely at her and she just shrugged

"It's fine. I hope you liked your outfit" she said
smirking mischievously at me causing me to narrow
my eyes at her

"May I ask why you felt the need to buy me
see-through lace lingerie?" I asked rolling my eyes

"I am sure the boss liked it. And I am sure it looked
great on you" she says looking me up and down
appreciatively before winking at me "you can show
me if you want" she continues causing my jaw to drop open in horror

"No!" I shrieked causing her to let out a laugh

"Relax just kidding. I don't go for taken women" she

"You are lesbian?" I asked her

"Yeah" she answers and I just smiled at her letting out a cool

"I am bisexual" I confessed and she smiles back at

"If you ever get bored of boss you can come looking for me. I wouldn't mind" she joked causing me to laugh and shake my head.

"So what do you do for the mafia?" I asked trying to make small talk with this woman who I am start to

"I am an assassin and a seducer for the mafia" she
said making me gasp.

"It suits you," I told her

"Can you teach me how to use weapons?" I asked
her because I am paranoid about my safety after
last night and I would very much like to learn some
mafia-level self-defence.

When I was a teenager, Bam would take me to a
self-defence trainer probably paranoid about my
safety considering the past that now i know. So I
know some moves but that's not enough to protect
myself against mafia men.

"You should talk to the boss about it. He would like to
teach you himself" she said

"I don't want to disturb him when he is already
stressed" I admitted. He already had too much to do
and I don't want to add to it

"I am sure he will love to teach you and it will be more assuring if he teaches you himself" She said and I think she is right. I make a mental note to ask him later.

"Boss told me to stay with you when he is not with
you from now on to protect you" she informs me
causing me to frown. He didn't tell me

"I am sorry you have to babysit me" I said looking
regretfully at her

"Oh I don't mind. I quite like you" she said shaking
her head and smiling

"Good thing I like you too then" I said. She looks
like she would make a great friend and I like her

"Friends?" I asked standing up and extending my
hand to her only for her to pull me for a hug

"You are my best friend now boss lady" she said
playfully before releasing me

I am sure Jungkook and Jimin weren't expecting to find me and mina sitting on the floor and laughing our asses off with a bottle of whiskey in front of us that I stole from his stash when they entered about an hour later

"Mina when I told you to keep her company, I didn't
mean to say to get drunk with her" he said with a hint of amusement in his voice

"Hush Kookie. I am having fun" I slurred out stumbling towards him only for him to catch me in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs
around his waist and clung to him like a koala. His
hands went to my ass to keep me in place and I
kissed his neck and bit it because I felt like it just stuck my tongue out at her going back to kissing
his neck while he tried to pry me away

"My love you are drunk" he said gesturing for
Jimin to take mina out while she shouts in protest but I just kept going kissing his lips instead

"I am not drunk"

"Lisa we will do this when you are sober" he said
when I try to open his shirt buttons, after leaving a
hickey on his neck staring at it giddily too drunk to be embarrassed and I just pouted at him with puppy dog eyes causing him to smile and kiss my forehead.

"Your parents are coming today along with my
father" he said suddenly causing me to pull away
abruptly looking at him with horror.

"What? And you didn't tell me" I shrieked.

"I was going to," he said amused as I mentally freak

"Let's go home. You still have about five hours before they arrive and unless you want to greet them drunk, I would suggest you sleep it off." He said kissing my forehead before picking me up and taking me out as I have my freak-out session

He places me on the passenger seat before taking his seat on the driver's side.

"Stop pouting baby" he said kissing my lips and my
drunk self mentally swoon

He starts to drive while I sulk on my seat.
My phone ringing in my pocket brought me out of my daze. I picked it up

"Lisa where the fuck are you?" his voice came

"Hi my amazing big brother" I said in an overly
cheery voice

"You are drunk in broad daylight," he asked in

"I am not" I said shaking my head with an innocent
look on my face as if he can see me

"Stop lying. Are you okay? I went to your house and
it was trashed. What happened?" He rambled without
giving me a chance to answer

"I am with Jungkook's. Someone broke into my house so Kook took me to his and I am safe" I said

"Fuck. I am coming" he said

"No, wait. How about you join us for dinner tonight
with my biologicals" I asked

"You are having dinner with your biologicals" he
asked sadly "I will be there" he said before bidding
me goodbye and hanging up

I looked over at Jungkook to see him shaking his head

"What?" I asked

"Them and Bam in the same room? Not a good idea."
He said and then it hit me.

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