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Jungkook's pov

"What the fuck do you mean she is gone" Marco'svoice roared through the living room as Lilia sobbedsitting on the couch

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"What the fuck do you mean she is gone" Marco's
voice roared through the living room as Lilia sobbed
sitting on the couch. The other two Kim's are back
in Greece probably on their way to catch a flight
right now but her parents were already in New York wanting to be closer to their daughter who is now kidnapped. About Bam, we chose not to tell him since he can't do anything about it

"I know I fucked up" I muttered. I should have locked her in this apartment with better security. I shouldn't have taken her for granted.

Opening the cabinet, I took out the dog food and filled up Leo's bowl knowing Lisa would kill me if I
didn't feed her beloved wolf who just tilted his head
and let out a bark, staring at me as if asking 'where is momma? Why the fuck are you feeding me?'

"Just wait for a little bit buddy we'll have her back
soon enough" I said petting his little head before
furning towards my future-in-laws only to see Marco pacing the room anxiously.

"Dk is working on getting her location and it will
take an hour or two. And I have my men searching
for her everywhere. We will have her" I assured
myself more than him knowing a lot can happen in
a few hours. And I don't know in what condition I
am gonna find her..... if I find her. I shake my head
pushing those thoughts away.

"Please find my daughter" Lilia pleaded to look
into my eyes and I feel sympathy for her. She is a
mother who missed almost half of her daughter's life.

A mother who didn't get to watch her daughter grow
up to such a beautiful woman inside out. A mother who lost her daughter only to find her and lose her

"I will. I promise" I told her, making sure she know
how much I meant it. She relaxed a bit trusting me. I
hope I don't break her trust or the promise.

I just hope she will be alright for a few hours. I
saw the footage of her and my chest inflated with
pride when I saw her fighting back. She is a fucking warrior

"I told the men to get prepared so that we can make
our move as soon as we have the location" Jimin
announced entering the living room looking just as
distraught as every other person in this room. His
hair is dishevelled and his clothes are wrinkled. I
don't even want to know what I look like right now.

"I have about thirty men here. I will tell them to
prepare too. We can use all the help we get" Marco
said taking out his phone, but he turned to me "it isn't
your fault. We'll find her son" he said patting my
back before walking away and I would have smiled
at his approval if it wasn't for the situation. I felt like I just got permission to marry his daughter even
though he already signed the papers years ago.

We spent the next hour formulating a reliable plan,
gathering ammunition and preparing our men so that we don't waste time when we get to the location.

My phone rings and I looked up to see its Dk.

"I got the location," he said making me sigh in relief

"It's an abandoned warehouse about an hour away
from your house and fortunately it's far away from habitation" he continued giving me the exact address before he hung up to start working on getting control of the cameras in and around the place.

"It's on." I told everyone as they scrambled to get
ready. I myself put on a bulletproof vest under my
all-black outfit and fucked two guns on the polyester and as well as a few knives.

"Let's go" I said when everyone is ready.


We reached the warehouse in forty minutes,
courtesy of several broken traffic rules and driving over the speed limit and we parked all the cars half a kilometre away from the place to not alert them of our presence.

"Everyone. You are all here today because of
your loyalty and skills and this is the time to prove
yourself. We have lost a few men because of those
backstabbing assholes and we almost lost our future
queen and it's time they pay for it. It's time we
avenge them." I said acknowledging the hundred men standing in front of me making all of them holler in determination. All of them were ready to lay their lives for Lisa and I felt fucking proud.

"It's time" I announced before we all walked towards the place that is soon gonna be a warzone and took our position. The snipers taking their positions in the hiding spots, the technical team in the van and the soldiers on the ground.

We have divided the soldiers into three teams. guided
by me, Jimin and Marco.

Jimin is gonna be the watch out, making sure no one
escapes. Marco will enter through the back door and will make sure to infiltrate the security inside and will create a distraction while I will be coming through the front and will be responsible for rescuing the both of them.

"Move," I said into the earpiece and everyone
followed striding in the warehouse. We all walked
quietly and steadily keeping the noise as low as we

I spotted a guard who was too busy on his phone
to notice us and I slowly crept up behind his back
before hitting his head with the back of my gun,
knocking him out. Since we are keeping the killing to
minimal, not wanting to cause more bloodshed than

"Boss there is a basement. You should check it out"
Dk's voice reached me through the earpiece and
we followed his directions towards the staircase
slowly slinking down, some of my men are in front
of me making sure that the way is clear knocking or killing whenever necessary.

My eyes caught the sight of two men who spotted
us too and drew their guns out shooting towards us
and we shooted back. My eyes followed one of the
men who I recognised as one of the fucker who
kidnapped her and I decided I don't have much time
to give him what he deserve for now so I knocked
him out, deciding to torture him later along with his

After dealing with them we moved forward
through the hallway which had more security than
we anticipated. I shot a person on his leg before
punching another one in his face when he crept
beside us. I caught one of them running away from
the corner away and followed him only to reach a

Opening the door, I entered the room and my eyes
softened when they met hers which shone with tears and my blood boiled at the sight. There sat my Lisa hunched on the floor, bleeding and in pain while Hyunsuk stands above her with her foot on her stomach. Mina stood beside her struggling to get out of the hold of two guards who were holding her. My jaw clenched when I saw that Hyunsuk is about to kick Lisa.

"Stay away from her" I commanded in a deadly
voice "you are dead," I announced looking at the
person who made all our lives hell.

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