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Lisa's pov

It feels like deja vu as I woke up after beingkidnapped for the second time in my twenty yearsof life

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It feels like deja vu as I woke up after being
kidnapped for the second time in my twenty years
of life. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the
darkness when I opened my eyes. My body aches
just like before. My head hurts and I feel dizzy.
everything is similar to when I was first kidnapped.

"Psstt Lisa are you awake?" I heard the low
voice of Mina from behind me. What's different is
that this time I am not alone. Mina's chair is placed in such a way that our chairs face opposite directions but both our bodies are tied with the same rope.

Unfortunately, it's bound too tight to slip out of. I am
facing towards the metal door while she is facing at
the back.

"Yeah" I answered her trying to wiggle out of the
ropes failing miserably as my injuries burned with
pain. "How are we gonna get out of here? I have a
tracker but it may take them some time to get here" I
say, a shiver running down my body thinking of the
possibilities of what all could happen in a few hours.

"They took my weapons“ she hissed keeping her
voice down as to not alert them. My eyes scanned the room for any potential thing that we can use to free ourselves only to come up with nothing useful. There is a table at the end of the room that had several weapons on it but they are too far away to reach considering our legs are also tied. I wonder what they are for?

I looked at my palm when I felt something sticky on
it only to notice that the fuckers didn't even bothered
to remove the glass. Suddenly, A light bulb goes off in my brain.

"Mina can you reach my Hand?" I whispered to her

"I think so. Why?" She asked

"There is a glass piece in my palm. We can use it to
cut the ropes" I replied opening my palm for her.

"Okay," she said as she tried to pluck it out of my
hand. I barely contained my scream as fresh blood
gushed out of the wound dripping down the floor.

With great difficulty due to our lack of mobility, she
slowly cuts the rope tied across our stomachs before starting on the one bounding her ankles only to stop when the metal door opened making us freeze.

I quickly grabbed the rope to hold it discreetly
knowing we still can't move.

"Well well well look what we got here" came a satanic voice reeking with arrogance. Looking upward I briefly remembered the man who I kicked in the nuts before I was kidnapped. "You are all tied up now. Where did that fierceness go" he taunted me feigning an innocent expression.

He casually strolled toward the table with the torture
tools before picking up a hammer and I felt terrified as he gets closer to me before stopping in front of me.

"You had the guts to knee me bitch" he said with a
sneer as he placed the hammer right in front of
my right knee before hitting my knee cap with all
the strength he had and a crack sound resonates
through the room as the hammer hit my knee cap. I
screamed from the excruciating pain I felt and my
eyes burned with tears causing satisfaction to shine
in the eyes of the man in front of me.

"You fucker" Mina yelled from the back. Her voice
dripping with danger

"No need to be angry. It was just a payback" he smirked "don will be here to deal with you both" he
said as he left

"Are you okay?" She asked as I started to feel
lightheaded from everything. Taking a deep breath
and containing my tears

"Yeah but I think he broke my knee" I answered

"Fuck" she cursed resuming to cutting her rope
before cutting mine.

"Will you be able to walk?" She asked as she freed us from the ropes. I slowly tried to get up only to fall as my knee started hurting violently.

"I don't think so. Leave me here and go" I said
shaking my head as I tried to get up again failing.

"Are you stupid? I am not leaving you alone" she
exclaimed trying to help me get up.

The sound of the metal door opening again made
us both look up. My eyes scanned the face of the
person who just entered and my breathing stopped
as I recognized the face. In came the monster that
had been plaguing my nightmares for the past two
weeks along with his second in command who had his photo on Kook's board too.

"Ah, princess. Already on your knees for me" his
smooth voice came as he looked down at me just as
two of his guards came forward struggling to get
a hold of Mina. I felt anger as I stared at the man
who took everything from me. The same man who
single-handedly destroyed my life. Stupidly enough, I
spitted at his boots not bowing my head.

"You have grown some wings huh" he sneered,
smacking my face with the back of his hand before
taking out a pocket knife and slashing it across my
cheek  "I will cut them off before you can fly" he
continued gripping my head and lifting me before
pushing me back. I let out a cry as my knee touched
the ground.

"You can try" my hoarse voice came as I refused to
look anywhere but at his eye knowing monsters like
him feed on weakness.

He kicked my stomach as I winced and Mina
screamed profanities from behind me making the
guards hit her.

"Don they are here" a man said entering the room
breathing frantically. Fear evident in his face and I
just smiled knowing their end is near.

"How did they find us this soon?" Hyunsuk yelled kicking me again when he noticed my smile

"Stay away from her" a deadly voice interrupted
him. the door opened revealing the beautiful man who stole my heart with a gun drawn. His soft gaze met mine raking my figure before they hardened when they went to Hyunsuk.

"You. Are. Dead"

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