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Lisa's pov


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The beeping echoes through the room and I tried to
move my right hand to shut the annoying voice only
for my arm to remain still. I tried again but I couldn't
move it. it felt like there was a weight on my hand.

As I tried again the beeping went a little faster. Panic
started to take over.

Suddenly, I felt something wet on my face, distracting me from my predicament and I opened my eyes with great difficulty. My eyes felt drowsy and heavy but I did it. Looking at my chest, I saw a white ball of fur.

Atlas. I cradled him to my chest with my left hand
before a voice came from behind me, startling me.

"Stop hugging my girlfriend little shit," said Jungkook playfully and I gasped dramatically

"Stop cursing at my baby Kook or we will have to end this" I joked gesturing at him and myself, my voice coming out hoarse and scratchy.

"There is no end to us baby. We will get married,
have several cute little you and me's and then grow
old together" he sternly said causing my cheeks to
heat up. Several images flashed in my head.

I and Jungkook at the altar. and Us in a hospital room cradling a newborn baby. We watching our kids lovingly as they chase each other. I coughed as an image of Kook teaching them how to use a gun flashed as well before I shook it out of my head.

We never talked about marriage and children before. And The contract still remains unspoken between us.

Breaking eye contact with him, I looked at my
surroundings. White ceiling, an IV hooked to my wrist, machines surrounding me and the heart monitor beeping steadily. I tried to get up only for a sharp pain to shoot through my knee and I let out a small yelp.

"Don't move" Jungkook mumbled placing a hand on my shoulder and pushing me back just as Leo let out a bark.

I struggled to remember what happened and the smile on my face slipped as realization hit me.

The accident mina, kidnapping. Hammer. Hyunsuk. Shot.

My breathing turned erratic and the monitor started
beeping frantically as I replayed the previous few

"Fucking call a doctor" I heard Kook's faint voice
shouting at a nurse as my palms turned clammy and
tears stung my eyes. I faintly saw Jungkook picking Leo up and taking him out before he returned.

"You are okay. You are okay. You are okay" Kook
chanted as the doctor checked me.

"I am so proud of you love. You are so strong." He
continued as the doctor injected something into the IV drop and slowly my breaths turned normal as Kook runs his hand through my hair and the medicines entered my veins.

"Mina. Where is she? What about everyone else" I
asked him. My voice frantic

"Everyone is okay. You know why?" He asked

"Why?" I asked, my voice coming out low

"Because of you. Your intelligence and strength saved everyone" he said with a proud smile on his face and my heart warms.

"My leg and arm. Why can't I move them" I asked, not sure If I want the answer as his expression turns solemn

"Your arm is okay. Thankfully the bullet just grazed
it and it is just numbed because of the medicines"
he said before he took a deep breath "your knee is
fractured" he said emanating a frown from my face.

"When will it heal?" I asked and he flinched

"There is only a fifty percent chance it will heal," he
said and I froze. My heartbeat started going crazy
again as I closed my eyes. Opening them when I
felt a soft touch on my lips. His lips moved softly
against my lips and all my focus went to the love he is conveying from it.

"It's okay angel. You always are so optimistic so
why not now? There is still a fifty per cent chance
that it will heal"

"What if it doesn't," I asked with moisture in my eyes
as the cracking sound of my knee breaking when it
was hit by the hammer echoes in my brain

"Then I will carry you around in my arms" he smiled at me

"You will get frustrated with me," I said with a watery smile

"Never." He replied and that is all the reassurance I
needed that everything will be okay

"Is he dead?" I broke the silence

"Not yet" he said as a dark look took over his face

"Tell me. Do you want his head on a silver platter or
maybe a necklace carved from his bones" he said as my expression turned horrified

"No" I squealed "I am good. I don't want any reminders of him" I said shaking my head.

"I am just kidding. His bones and head are trash
anyway and all you deserve is diamonds and rubies" he replied chuckling and my heart went array at the rough sound.

"But he will die soon. After getting tortured. There is
basically a line of people wanting their chance "he
said now seriously

"He deserves it. He deserves every pain in the
world" I replied

I opened my mouth again but a yawn escapes instead.

And I realized how exhausted I feel. I feel weak and
everything feels fuzzy.

"Rest baby. You are still healing" Jungkook said kissing my head

"Will you rest with me please?" I asked, giving him
puppy dog eyes and poting as he was about to
refuse, causing him to agree hesitantly unable to
resist and I smiled in glee.

He climbed the small bed, careful of my injuries and
laid beside me before placing my head on his chest.

His soft breaths lulled me to sleep as his warmth
surrounded me like a security blanket and I felt the
safest in the world. I felt at home.

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