Nyx x Jim gordon death

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Tw: mention of abuse, death guns, pregnancy.

        "Why didn't I protect you dove"

Jim frowned gazing down at Nyxs gravestone. It had been only just a year after her death but yet still he felt as if it was his fault,, "Hey its been awhile.." he chuckled before gently setting some flowers down on her grave. " I know it's cheesy but I got you some flowers.." he mumbled gazing down at the grass. God he wanted to punch someone. Still to this day he thought Jeremiah didn't deserve to be alive, but it was what it was. And to it he lost his lover. 

That night it went down… he'd remember it till he died. 

It was just a casual night, all peaceful. Jim came home holding a beer he got from his fridge, sitting down on his couch before pulling at his tye to loosen it. Once his got his tye loosen he reached for the remote to his TV and turned it on. Flipping through all the stations he paused when the news channel came on.. something was off.. That female news reporter looked alot like ecco. Strange.. leaning his head back and closing his eyes while his chugged the beer before flinching when he heard Jeremiah's voice. Gazing at the TV he flinched. "Hello gotham! " Jeremiah chirped with his sickening wicked smile. Jim gazed at the TV, he wouldn't go play hero over this.. it was his day off. Listening to Jeremiah go on and on he paused before seeing him point his gun over at his hostage which was Jim's little dove. A slight eye widened into Jim's before he gulped. " I wanted to play a little game with gotham's favorite siren!, I'm sure we love it when shes sings." Jeremiah hummed on before taking the duck tape off of Nyxs mouth.of course Nyx screamed for help before flinching when Jeremiah smacked her face with his gun. Jim paused before gulping more listening to how nyx was forced to sing to survive, praying to the saints and gods he gulped before grabbing his coat and his guns before running out the door. Of course looking around like a scared little helpless deer almost he panicked, his car was set on fire. Jeremiah planned this. He just knew it. Running for his life, he didn't stop running till he saw the cops outside the news office. Looking around for Harvey before running over to the older male. Harvey glanced at Jim before sighing " good you didn't do anything crazy yet" he muttered before Jim spoke" Nyx is being tortured to death and nobody's going in? How can I not think of ripping my hair out" he muttered eyeing Harvey. Pausing when he glanced around to see cops whispering and staring at Jim. Nobody was gonna go in. The chief said not too. It was too dangerous to go in. Jim gazed around, he has broken into this place before to arrest jerome a few times. Looking for the back way he grabbed Harvey's hand before running inside. Harvey glanced at Jim with wide eyes. "Jim… she has been shot I don't think she's gonna make it either way-" he said before being interrupted by James. " shut up Harvey! She's gonna make it. I know Dove. She's been through hell and back and will get through this!" He said in a stern tone. Walking up the stairs while holding his gun and gazing around. He was ready to go and save her. The moment he saw the door he kicked it open causing Jeremiah and his cult members to gaze at them. Nyx was slowly losing her breath, being shot at least two times and beat down by Jeremiah. She was losing hope. Jim paused slightly growling and shooting at the cult members, of course it took awhile before the cult members ran off. Turning to gaze at jeremiah and Ecco he growled." Let her go jeremiah." He spoke in a stern tone. Jeremiah grinned before kissing Nyx's face. " why? I think she likes it here, oh what's that nyx you're stomach hurts?" He grinned before putting his gun to her stomach. Jim flinched slightly before running at Jeremiah only to be tripped and shot in the shoulder by Ecco. Falling to the ground he winced in pain before gazing up at nyx who fell to the ground being shot in the stomach. Jim screaming and panicking, Nyx had Been pregnant for awhile and due soon later. And now Jeremiah was taking that away. Jim couldn't get up he was being held down by cult members aswell as Harvey too. Jim could only watch the women he loved being beaten to death. Jim was screaming and squirming trying to get up to save Nyx who screamed before being shot in the chest. Jim watched as blood came from her mouth before Nyx slowly gazed at Jim. " I'll see you in our next life together my love…" nyx said before taking her final and last breath. Jim lost it. The moment he was let go he shot and killed the cult members before punching ecco in the face, watching her fall to the ground. Storming towards Jeremiah while blood fell from his nose. " funny uh? You're alone now too? Jeremiah.. I was gonna grow old with that woman!" He shouted before punching jeremiah who laughed smirking " wow didn't you loved trash uh?" He laughed while Jim eyed him punching him more and more. " she was the reason I believed in helping this city! We were gonna have a family together! And you.. oh you.. you ruined it… " he mumbled before pausing when he felt Harvey's hand on his shoulder. He glanced over his shoulder at Harvey who came to visit Nyx's grave too " she's still with us harv, I can hear her sometimes" he sniffled sobbing " I could've done something Harv.." Jim sniffled as tears formed in his eyes.. Bullock sighed pulling Jim in for hug" it's ok Jim, remember she's still with us" he hush. 

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