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Born for war.. This was a title or common saying for many of those born into this day and age. Be it children or adults, child soldiers were born.. And with them a new generation and breed of weapons, or well.. A new species.. New Types.

POV [ Hokubu "Samuel" Arashi ]

"Arashi! Get up! WE! ARE! MOVING!"

A voice screamed through a beeping and mass of other sounds, some like gunfire, some being the sound of wires sparking. Eyes flickering as a bloody and bruised Arashi woke to hundreds of warnings and sirens blaring, he got hit.. He got hit! He woke in a frenzy lurching forwards as he gripped his gut, one of the many consoles had blown in the skirmish, that plus the fall must've been what knocked him out, pieces of the screens glass and metal had blown like a fan of blades towards his torso, most definitely dicing his organs up widely but surprisingly he lives.. But lord he was in pain, no anime character grunts or trying to act tough, he was screaming and screeching in pain, it was like nothing he had felt before.. He had been shot before, but that didn't hurt as much as this! With the shouts of pain he was kicking and punching his chair in reaction to the pain, calming himself after minute and more shouts from the voice that woke him from his involuntary slumber.


'Im trying.. IM TRYING!' He tried to speak but nothing came from his voice other than a raspy whisper, his hands whipped around before grabbing two control surfaces, pulling them back in pain before sliding them forwards, in reaction the thing he was in began to rumble, motors groaning as it moved, a few of the displays that surrounded Arashi activated, giving him vision of the exterior surroundings... It was a warzone.


'Mobile Suits', 'Mobile Armors', and many other vehicles that were made for war were all deep into a bloody conflict, the atrocities which he was witnessing were.. Disturbing.. Horrifying.. It made the very much ruined stomach of his churn, forcing blood up his throat and out his mouth, staining the white suit he was wearing with even more of his blood. But his attention turned towards the Mobile Suit that was standing over him staring down at him as a visual feed of its pilot appeared on one of his displays.

"Arashi! Thank heavens your alive.. Angela and Robby were taken out in the first wave of javelins.."

The female pilot explained to him, tears formed slightly in his vision as he heard this information, those two were members of his squadron, they were raised from birth together, one of the first NT only squads to exist.. And perhaps the only.


Arashi tried to speak again, blood sputtering from his mouth as he released one of his controls to cover his mouth, his helmets visor which was mildly cracked rolling back as he coughed painfully into his hand, the glove being smothered in red as he breathed heavily reaching forwards grabbing the controls as he forced his Mobile Suit up.

POV [ Hokubu "Samuel" Arashi ] - [ Narrator ]

Two Mobile Suits stood tall beside one another, these being two of the RX-0 series 'Gundam' Phenex, and Unicorn.. One pure white while the other was pure gold, both were heavily damaged, armor plating shattered, weapons tossed aside being depleted and damaged, and barely hanging on. Unicorn was the worse for ware out of the two, being stripped of its armor in places, showing the 'psycho-frame' underneath which glowed a deep red, it also had one of the previously mentioned 'Javelins' lodged deeply between its shoulder and right arm, disabling the limb almost entirely, happily the power to the limb was not cut, only the ability to move the shoulder joint. The Phenex was mildly damaged, being mostly unscathed as the primarily speed focused Mobile Suit was able to dodge near to all its attackers and counter attack, however that speed did not protect it entirely, the most major damage done to the Gundam was the loss of one of its 'wings' and complete destruction of its right hand, each of the fingers hanging loosely onto the palm joint by cables and kinked pieces of metal.

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