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POV [ Arashi "Samuel" Hokubu ]

Shallow breaths, whirring machinery, and the occasional muffled shout bounced around the room that was being brought into light, with many individuals bustling about. There was a sense of uniformity within the large spacious room, with no outstanding individuals, all having a dress code that left only their faces visible.

"Hurry up with those packs! Load extra!"

A person who appeared to be the highest of authority within the area exclaimed while directing many individuals around the now deafening room, with clanks of tools and other individuals talking filling the place, though one thing was now revealed, this being a large Mobile Suit with a flamboyant pink covering its armor, this MS was owned by the current holder, Guel Jeturk. Its giant form was loaded into a plated box of some kind.

"Packages Loaded."

A voice echoed throughout the room, coming from an intercom system within the hangar, this voice belong to a unknown, however it was shown that within the room that held the intercom was the brother of the holder, half brother to be precise, Lauda Neill.

The scene however was dragged back to Guel Jeturk and his MS as a wide smirk took over his face, with him lowering his visor as his Dilanza was locked into the box, the large mass of metal launching from the hangar along many different rails before ending up within a large moon like field, the casing opening as the pink MS took a triumphant step onto the grey gravel below.

During this entire process the announcement reached the outside ears of all that would be interested, those being the students within Asticassia, and the father of Guel, who held a very sharp expression as he walked with his 'assistant'. Their conversation being drowned out as the scene returned to Guel, perhaps it was nefarious? One would not know..

" KP0001! Dilanza lets go! "

The male exclaimed as his mobile suits plume extended up to its ready position, almost like a sign his suit was ready for another battle. This was being watched by the dueling committee, who were seen to all be seated with the massive lounge like room, some familiar voices were present, the primary one being that of Shadiqq Zenelli, the long haired pompously dressed male seated right in front of the primary display, smiling as he glanced back to a individual beside him.

"Aren't you going to watch Elan?"

A new name to a new face, the individual in question was a very petite and expressionless individual who was sat quietly reading a book.

" Who cares. "

A very uninterested answer came from the male.

Back to Guel, the flamboyant and cocky teen was sitting arms crossed as he talked with his brother, said brothers face was on one of the many displays within Guels cockpit.

" Why accept the duel from those country bumpkins? "

" Ill make it quick from both of them, I am the future ace of Dominicus, after all.. "

Guels conversation was cut off by the sudden appearance of two Mobile Suits across the horizon, one of the suits was multicolored, while the other, was a single horned stark white suit, both of them were standing still at their designated beginning zone.

" The mercurians, they show their mugs.. "

Guel's tone was somewhat condescending, but he was shown to smile as he gripped his MS's controls approaching his own area, finding himself staring over at the Mercurian mobile suits after a moment.

" With mutual consent of both parties, we will now begin the duel. "

A drone of some kind with a familiar looking ball unit installed flew over head as it broadcasted the voice of Shaddiq Zenelli, the males voice was that of a announcer! One bringing in the attention of all the students and those who were watching abroad.

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