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"With the introduction of 'loose ends' and the sudden implications of another.. Demon, we head away from the far outreaches of the periphery and return to the now recovering Mercury Colony, with unknowns and many other variables entering the fray as Arashi 'picks up the pieces' with the others."

"Time has passed somewhat since the massacre, due to this, we begin roughly four months into the year, as the massacre happened during the month of December.."

POV [ Narrator ]


A voice in the rushing winds muttered as a lone figure was visible, this individual was seated quite high on some form of object, with them having what looked to be a simple vest covering their torso as a 'jumpsuit' of some kind was tied at their waste. Wind whipped around the persons face and body as they showed some slight shivers going across their body, a sneeze following after said shiver, they stood soon after the sneeze with audible sounds of their body popping and cracking as they stretched and yawned like a lion.

This lion, was none other than the literal mythical beast of Mercury, Arashi "Samuel" Hokubu, and he was standing atop of his partners shoulder, his clothing being oddly minimal, as stated before he was only wearing his piloting jumpsuit and undergarments, his vest and boxers, one being more visible than the other. Another key difference was the sheer 'worn' look his pilot suit had, it was tattered, battered, and absolutely wrecked, completely different from its usual pristine, its obvious he's been wearing, washing, and working in it constantly, with some places having clear difference in the fabric and structure, with patches being newer than others.

All question would be soon answered soon after it showed what he was gazing at, a wild and open grassland.. grassland. The field having people at work around it with many either digging or 'tilling' land.. It has been quite some time since the previous time Arashi was last seen, four months to being somewhat exact.

These months, they were filled with.. Pain, grueling, pain. With all those still alive were put into a arduous reoccurring cycle of waking to a ruined world and ghost ridden paths only to move forwards and do all they could do to survive. Despite this horrendous cycle, the inhabitants of the colony survived and thrived in the absurd four months, with the main factor of this being their symbol of hope working along side them as hard or even twice as hard as them, his sheer drive to rebuild and live trumping over their foreboding thoughts, tossing them aside as they fell in behind their savior and kept pushing on..

Even with the thoughts being quelled or tossed aside, there was still some that suffered greatly, and even became recluse at some moments, this were the main tugs on the survivors that attempted to slow them down, these moments of contemplative thought, became.. Events for people to relive the 'good' days, or times of joy, these days were named 'reminiscence'. And it became common, but not so common to hinder the rebuilding.

But away from the frivolous thoughts that were these events, Arashi would be standing now atop the Unicorns shoulder, a mobile suit in the distance approaching, this suit being somewhat familiar with it baring some similarities to the prototype suits that were being tested and built by the colony, this particular one being the sword and shield suit that Arashi was personally being the test pilot for. But in this moment the person piloting it would be seen to be the bombastic mechanic Serina, the cockpit being wide open as she slowly approached to Arashi before stopping beside the male and the Unicorn, her form being revealed more as she dismounted. Her form clambering up the suit before standing on the shoulder closest to Arashi.

Serina had some major differences to her physique, it wasn't a drastic change, but instead a subtle one. With her body gaining more tone, with few light scars visible on her arms and around her torso, these of course being 'work' injuries, Arashi himself had a few that were visible.

"Arashi! Prospera and Wendy were calling you, you obviously didnt hear them it seems!"

She shouted to the male with a slightly puffy face, she previously was working on something before being sent on this little errand.. And it had knocked her out of her groove she was in while working.

"They want you to use the Unicorn to help with transporting some of the construction goods.. And I know what your going to say but-"


She was cut off by the boy as he entered the cockpit of the Unicorn, the mobile suit whirring slightly as it turned.

"I did read the messages they sent me, I was just- Caught up with helping some of the farming group."

He explained through the speakers of the Unicorn, the girl gaining a flustered look as she angrily stomped the armor plate she was standing on for a moment before mounting her MS, her face furred as she let off a string of curses.

"So I was sent off on a errand for nothin' damn little shit.."

She was knocked out of her groove for nothing.. Mildly comedic.

But now the two were walking side by side as they continued back towards the town, there were.. Few people walking about in the streets, instead most of the buildings were abandoned, with few faces being seen, but instead there was candles.. Many candles, all lit and slowly burning, it was a almost ritualistic scene as the two hulking machines walk through the street, which was still also in disarray, this path being the farthest thing on the grand list of objectives to repair and rebuild, but eventually, they reached the town square where there was a much more bustling crowed working, with many people working, men, women, and even children were taking part, all of them working together in a harmony of sorts as they carried around large beams, 'wooden' items, and many, many, many! Smaller oddities. But it all slowed to a crawl as the two mobile suits appeared, with people gaining smiles, and moving towards the two machines as the began waving, the two suits responding with a wave of their own.

"Its Arashi and Serina!"

"Those two working even harder that us it seems! Haha!"

"Maa, do you think I can help them with the mobile suit work later?"

It was a mass of greatings and people praising the two, it was quite the scene as Serina's mobile suit stopped and kneeled, with her dismounting as she dived into a hug pile up with her sister and their little work force, the girl laughing loudly as she picked up her sibling with the other children that were there hung out of her arms. Arashi though didnt stop as he continued onwards passing through the square as he kept walking, his 'goal' being the large superstructure that was the previous pride and joy of the colony.. The Elevator.

"It still reeks of death here.."

He mutter to himself in the cockpit of the Unicorn as he looked around the street. This place was the core or.. Singularity point of his warpath, with destroyed structures and still stained pavement which let out a ominous aura, this aura was sickening to the male, but it was ignored as he continued into the plaza of the 'Elevator' the people who were looking for him seen with a few groups talking, the first to notice him being the blonde bombshell that was his auntie, Wendy.

"Ah! Speak of the devil and he shall appear! Arashi! We were calling you for quite some time, but we got the stuff we need you to bring up the shaft over there!"

The blonde pointed over the two Mobile suit sized carry cases, the frame boxes with handles holding many boxes of all different kinds.

"Lady Usagi is waiting up in the dockyard with her crew for you, she sounded quite annoyed the last time I paged her!"

The male 'irked' slightly, Captain Usagi, or Lady Usagi was the current 'lifeline' of the colony, after the 'event' she returned to her old supply routes and devoted everything to help the rebuilding home of her loved ones.

But now with a newfound haste the Unicorn hastily moved getting a strong grip on the cases before entering the shaft, the thruster on the Unicorn spinning up for it shot upwards, it was a slow rise but a rise none the less. With it taking a short amount of time for it to reach the top, where a angry silver haired woman was standing, with a foot tapping in a rhythm.

"Your late."

The female speaking as many people around her had beads of sweat drip down their faces. After her speaking the Mobile Suit would land a pace away from her, the cases being laid on the metal panels that was the floor, the Unicorn would be hunkered now as the cockpit opened, Arashi's form tumbling out before landing onto the ground.

"I was helping the farming group, the MS you gave them had a literal stroke."

"Well of course it would.. Since you have all been using them to death."

"I'm SUPRISED, your aibo is still functional after being used so thoroughly around the colony."

A minor back and forth ensued between Captain Usagi and the people behind her as she finished talking with Arashi, the people she was talking to scurrying away as they began taking the items which were brought up.

"She is sturdy as they come, and I make sure to do constant maintenance on her during down time."

Arashi finished as he began remounting his Mobile Suit, his senses blaring for a moment as he turned to catch a bottle which flew towards him, this bottle being one full of.. Spirits.. Arashi's face visibly scrunched in disgust from the smell.

"Give that to Wendy or Nyla, or even for yourself."

Usagi made a swigging gesture before she turned heading back to her own duties, heels clicking as she walked away. Arashi still slightly peeved by the gesture and smell closed the bottle before entering the Unicorn once again, his form vanishing as the hatch closed. Though as it closed he caught the glance of Usagi again, Solemn, the common expression when it came from people looking towards Arashi..

With a turn and slight 'rev' of the Unicorns thrusters, the white Mobile Suit descended back down the Colony's elevator, the descent trip was much faster than the ascension, with the ground coming quickly as the white beast slowed before landing gently on the platform, people working around the clock giving glances before returning to their duties. 

Now 'free' to do as he pleased for the rest of the day, well, less than free as he was, in the terms of his old life, 'On call'.

Heading from the tower, the Unicorn rose up from the ground as it gave a slight wave towards familiar faces, jetting upwards and into the view of the warm sun before shooting away from the town, the flight being somewhat long due to no rush being needed, thus letting a conversation break out between Pilot and Mobile Suit.

"Aibo, what do you think that school is going to be like?"

Arashi's question was on of a place.. But it felt impossible to go to in their current situation.

"I've.. Discovered and 'read' up on the place.. Its a training school for many different paths, it also has unique regulations and rules compared to what you might be familiar with.."

The feminine voice of the machine spoke to its pilot, speaking of the school that Arashi, Serina, and Suletta would be heading to in due time. 

"Did you find anything else about the topic I asked you about?"

He threw in another question to change the far fetched topic, his voice was stern now, it was odd compared to his previously lax voice from before.

"No- That thing has hidden itself too well, and the other I can't find anything else on."

Two obscene things mention, however the conversation was cut short, they had arrived at their destination and landed with a skid. A barren field with many scrapped heaps of metal, this was a graveyard of machines.. But here it was clear where this came from.. This was the remnants from the massacre...

Mobile Suits galore, and even ships were dumped here, nothing was spared from being tossed into here, it was a haven for mechanics and a even better glory pit for pilots.. It was a very good training ground for maneuvering practice.. Even target practice, as some of the MS's would be propped up on something to give the idea that they were waiting for you, this was something Arashi did, a idea he borrowed from the military from his world when they tested handhelds.

It would be quiet in the eerie graveyard until two MS's snaked out from cover and began firing at the stationary white beast, beam weaponry primarily, but it was quickly changed as the machines approached the Unicorn, with both combatants drawing beamsabers respectively before taking a swing at the Unicorn, their sabers clashing with the white MS's saber and tonfa, this fight turning into a power struggle with the two combatants struggling to push back the Unicorn, which after applying some force pushed them back a step.

"An Ambush tactic! Your getting smarter you two!"

Arashi called out over the speakers as he put the Unicorn in full reverse, practically skiing backwards as the Unicorn skimmed across the dirt and fragments of metal, leaping and bounding over corpses' and barriers of scrapmetal alike. The two other MS's being hot on the White suits tail.

"Chasing me down now too? Even better!"

He called out over his speakers once again, the Unicorn spinning to face the two mobile suits chasing it, them both now being more revealed in the light, both very familiar as one was the Ariel, and the other was the twin Axe MS that Suletta was the test pilot for. An unfamiliar voice rang out from the Axe wielders suit.


The anger filled voice was that of Serina's sibling, Milim, the other pack of dynamite within that family, with her fury being heard as she charged towards Arashi and the Unicorn, the MS spinning as it released a multi-hit attack with its twin axes. The first couple attacks were deflected by the Unicorn while the rest were simply out maneuvered, then the counter attack came.

Swift, graceful, that like a swan turning to a ferocious lion, the Unicorn counter attacked, with it resorting to using its beam tonfa and now empty hand, it moved forwards, feinting with the beam tonfa by swinging it downwards before deactivating the blade, this feint was quickly followed up by the fist of the Unicorn becoming embedded into the lower leg of the MS, the jackhammer of a fist flying in and taking a lump of internals with it on its exit, thus disabling the MS in one fell swoop.

A roar of anger came from the toppled suit soon after.

But almost like clockwork, the other suit appeared, this being Ariel, who was charging straight towards the Unicorn with its many gun'bits, or to Arashi, funnels in the sky. The small murder drones blasted beam after beam towards the white suit, which in return hopped and bounced around as it dodged the attacks, only retaliating with its beam saber when they cornered the beast, this countering was the Unicorn using its saber to hack pieces of metal from its surroundings and toss them in the funnels general direction, making the gun bit be forced to dodge, or attempt blasting the piece of metal.

This game of cat on mouse kept going on until it reached its peak when both suits were hopping between destroyed ships, using the bridges and many thruster pods as cover as they 'danced' across the battered panels below them. But inevitably, a dance must come to a end.

Both suits exiting their cover as Ariel's Gunbits formed a shield, the transition was smooth and fluid, with Ariel drawing its beam saber as it readied itself.

"Brother! You said you would show me more when we got to this part of the duel! Don't give me an excuse this time!"

The voice of Suletta called out towards Arashi, the boy smiling at the girls absurd determination, her gaze almost being felt by the New-Type as he sat smiling in his cockpit, the controls he gripped being squeezed as he breathed slowly.

"Alright.. I did promise you little sister. So I will show you."

After speaking the Unicorn's eyes flared for a moment, with Arashi's chair shifting as the NT-D system slowly activated, giving it some dramatic flare.. Which easily excited the girl who was now literally bouncing in their chair, surprisingly the same excitement was shown by the Ariel, who was shaking slightly, be it nervousness or that named excitement. 

Panels shifted, pistons extended, and previously hidden internals were revealed.. Its 'true' form being revealed as its psycho-frame glowed a rich red, now this red was a obvious signifier that Arashi was not showing his precious little sister everything, she didnt need to know that now though~!

With its armaments released, the now readied Unicorn drew its two beam sabers, entering a duel wielding stance as its thrusters hissed, the items in question roaring to life as it let loose a brilliant blue flame, sending the beast towards the Ariel with a crazy speed, which immediately caught the red head and mobile suit off guard. With both scrambling to defend against the frontal attack, readying themselves for a impact of some kind.. But it never came, instead all was noticed was the Unicorn standing behind them with its piercing sea green gaze staring the two down.

"W-Wait.. Why did you not hit us-?"

A stutter and a cry as the floor under the Ariel gave way, the suit fall into a black abyss before hitting the interior floor of the ship they were standing on. Now one would question what happened as they were previously fighting on the roof so easily, why did it give so suddenly? Simple really, within the Unicorns burst of speed, it used its sabers to slice through the panels that the Ariel was standing on, destabilizing it just enough to let the Ariel's weight cause it to give.


A now literally sobbing Suletta shouted towards the male in question, the girl feeling a wave of embarrassment at her screech, the Ariel's eyes glowing faintly as they looked upwards towards the Unicorn which glanced downwards towards the other. It was faint, but a aura of shock and awe was emitting from the Ariel..

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