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[ The song.. Is merely a guise or, mentality to have within this chapter.. The title holds the answers, and both words, have many meanings. Try figure it out ye? ]

POV [ Arashi "Samuel" Hokubu ] 

'Something.. Something is wrong..'

Arashi was seated in the Unicorns cockpit, a day of labor was what today was, a sort of 'boon' in the colonies progress with growing was what was happening, and Arashi along with Suletta were doing their duties as members of the colony by using their respective Mobile Suits to carry things that the regular lifters couldn't carry.. It was a common occurrence, one might think of it as child labor, something illegal, but to Arashi and Suletta it was just chores, but to Arashi it was something much more mundane, as in his previous life, in the beginning before he was pulled into the military, he was very much forced into doing things like this.. Bitter, but mundane to him.

"Arashi! Arashi! Careful with that!"

A voice shouted over the communication channel he was tuned into, snapping him out of his thoughts as he nearly dropped a container of sorts, getting a tighter grip on the item but at the cost of crunching the containers handles.. Whoops.. He then gently set the item down onto the ground, the Unicorn following in suite as the fron hatch open, Arashi stepping out slightly to look at the crate and its damages.

"Sorry Auntie Vera! I thought I would've dropped it!"

He shouted to her, seeing the woman walking towards him and the Unicorn with a slightly angry expression, but it vanished the minute she got closer, hearing the apology. Arashi took this as his time to continue, and so he quickly scampered back to the pilot seat.. And on that, he grew, his body was MUCH more different? Changed? Altered? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he was very much taller and accelerated in his growth, he tried putting a reason to it, but each one just broke his brain, giving him a headache rather than a answer.. Everything about him in this moment just didn't make sense.. The joys of being a unknown species and piloting a very not understood machine..

That was the next thought, Arashi's abilities.. The things that made him a New-type, they were growing stronger and more prominent day by day, its, terrifying, combine that with his ability to withstand even more G-force than he could remember, he poked his Aibo about it on many occasions, but each attempt was responded with a singular '?' and it annoyed him, but he left it be.. The sudden changes were worrying, but the benefits were welcomed, everything about him was stronger, more enhanced, and the power was well welcomed.

But now he was back to his duties, moving the materials that were suppling the businesses that his family had opened and made to make this colony excel, and expand, he kinda.. loved it.

A soldier not fighting, instead, helping, developing a place which most likely would've turned into a battlefield at one point or another.. He felt a clarity in his heart doing this. But now he was taken out of his thoughts with the sudden groan from what was metal. 

"Get down! GET DOWN!"

A voice called out, this being something that Arashi heard in his mind, it was.. Precognition! Something! Something was going to happen?! Where? Where he thought, looking around on his consoles before he spotted said 'Something' an unstable bind, a fraying cable, something that would not be noticed in the flurry of work, it would be instant, and a lot of people were in its path, and so.. He reacted.

Throttling Unicorns controls, Arashi would rush the Mobile Suit forwards, scaring the hell out of a lot of people between him and the target, which he slid the Unicorn beside, just as the cable snapped, whipping out like a wild snake trying to take a creatures life, the cable did not manage to take any lives, instead it was wrangled by Arashi, the cable lashing against the Unicorns torso as Arashi caught the.. Terrifiyingly, fast and heavy cable. The sheer speed from the metal wire and its weight sent the Unicorn flying, but this was well within what Arashi wanted, for him taking most of the cables energy in turn 'tamed' the snake, it falling to the ground with all the supplies that were stored on what it was attached to.

"Arashi! Arashi! Are you alright?!"

A voice called out over the coms as he sat up in the cockpit, groaning over the coms as he muttered something incoherent, but it was most definitely a curse, and a well expected one.

"I'm good! Is anyone hurt?"

"No! But damn that was a quick reaction their Arashi!"

Vera was the owner of the voice, but the next face he was to see was that of Suletta, who was hanging out of the open cockpit that was Ariel's torso, the mobile suit was leaning over the Unicorn looking down to them, Suletta's face was a worried one, Ariel assisting the Unicorn back to its feet as Arashi stepped forwards the cockpit opening as he was tackled by Suletta, the girl hugging him tightly as he patted her back, no words, instead it was a quiet expression of worry.

But it ended quickly as a bell rang throughout the area, signaling a days end.. It was a bit earlier than usual, so Arashi raised a eyebrow, but he continued by picking up Suletta and climbing across the Mobile Suits, placing the teary eyed girl in the seat of the other MS, winking at her with a smile, tapping the red heads forehead.

"Lets get back home, Auntie Wendy might have brought home some snacks! Nyla is probably going to question why we are home early.."

He finished his sentence with a bit of a irk, and quickly hopped back into the Unicorn and gave his sister a little thumbs up before the two made their way home. He was then dragged out of his thoughts by the sudden connection of a communication request, which he promptly accepted, a face appearing on the screen as he raised an eyebrow, the face belonging to.. Wendy? Why was she calling him?

"Ah! Arashi finally I was able to get through to you, once you get home send Suletta down to the warehouse with Ariel... Elnora and Nyla want you to come over to the testing range!"

"Sure.. Ill be there in a bit, we got off work early today."

"Great! Talk to you then."

'Testing range? Why do they want me to- Ah.. I'll figure it out once I get down there, they might need me to move something with Unicorn.'

And so Arashi continued on, telling Suletta to head off to the warehouse once they got on the path home, he however simply took off, rushing towards the location that was the 'Testing Grounds', It was a basic zone for testing new mining equipment or any technology that the colony develops.. Its a very scarred acre of land, craters, destroyed pieces of machinery, many, many, many destroyed mobile suit designs that failed, as even before Arashi and his family arrived here, this colony in its earlier stages were testing Mobile Suits and other technologies to try find there 'ticket' to a economic boon.

But he was wrenched from his thoughts as he reached the desired destination, performing a basic slow down procedure as he landed the Unicorn, moving around as he tried to locate Elnora, Wendy, and Nyla.. He was most definitely having a rough time trying to find them but eventually did so, that being by a explosion that came from a unknown object that landed more than a kilometer from him, so he did the easy thing and followed its path and spotted the people he was looking for at the base of the cliffside that was close to the testing zone, and so he made his way to it, slow heavy strides crushed any fragmented metal and other failed mobile suit designs..

This was a bit to reminiscent for Arashi.. 

A slight increase in his heartrate and also a major increase in how much he was sweating followed, one of his hands unconsciously moving down to his stomach as he felt familiar pains stretch across his torso.

"Arashi! Great your here!"

The voice of Wendy called out to him over the coms, snapping him out of his thoughts, the Unicorn's cockpit and such opening as he dismounted the white beast, landing on the desert ground with a audible 'Uff' from him, his gaze turning to Wendy as she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a tight hug.

"We heard about the accident at the runway! No one was hurt no?"

Wendy questioned Arashi pushing the boy forward in her grip as she stared at his face, squinting her eyes as she examined him, letting go of him as Nyla approached picking him up, giving him the same affection as Wendy with a hug.

"Atleast you got to finish work early yes? I left some cake at home that I got from Usagi-san.. Hopefully Suletta doesn't eat all of it."

They explained as she carried him over to a table which Elnora was seated at, her eyes looking at a data pad which she was moving things around on. Her mutterings coming audible to Arashi who was.. Keen on listening to.

"It would be easy enough to send Suletta and Ariel in.. But with Arashi and his Unicorn it may be- Ah~!"

She would exclaim as she finished typing something on the data pad. Her attention was turned to him, Wendy, and Nyla, a small smile appearing on the woman's face as she leaned forward ruffling Arashi's hair, the boy smiling in return.

'What does she need Suletta for..'

Arashi was worried but a simple guise must be held no matter, these years of progression had also gave him back his control of his emotion, it was as if.. Something else was in this body and held a anger towards something, but it was quelled? Snuffed out? He could not put it together even after such a long time, but he returned his gaze to Elnora.

"Soo.. What did you need me for 'Nora?"

He asked, turned on the table to face her a bit better, cross his legs as he patiently waited for a response from the women, Elnora was obviously thinking, Arashi could make that out as he had seen her 'thinking' face many times over and he was well entuned with it, seeing her little shifts and changes as she came to a 'eureka' moment in which she took hold of Arashi's hands.

"I'm going to send you and Suletta to a school okay? Its a place where you can get more friends and develop further! Ariel and Unicorn will be coming with you so you wont have to worry about them.."

'A school? A school that we can bring Mobile Suits to??'

This to Arashi was bad, he knew this world had war and such still, but a place where the train pilots?! Elnora couldn't be thinking of turning Suletta into a soldier.. Could she? How can a woman of this integrity be shifted into the ideal of training her child for war?! Why?!

"I want you to take care of her when you there, but before there I'll be getting some manners and such whipped into you! I know people around here dont care for how you look, but Arashi your covered in filth!"

She explained with a light chuckle, wiping a small smudge of grease off the boys face, he could only smile to the woman, giggling as he leaned forward hugging her before hopping off the table and running about it.

"I have manners 'Nora! And look at you, your dirty too!"

He'd exclaim as he was now being chased by Nyla and Wendy, both females laughing as Arashi kept Elnora in the corner of his eye.. He was watching her, and was right in doing so, her gaze, her smile, it reminded Arashi of them.. The generals, the politicians, the ones who sent their young into battle and sat back relaxed..

But he was wrapped up and caught by Nyla and Wendy, both females squeezing the boy joyfully, a smile on their face which Arashi was very much used to and in love with seeing, he just felt a unknown joy in his heart seeing them happy, similar with all the members of his giant family, the satisfaction and joy he had when watching them be happy, even at his own disregard, reminded him of the past when he was a solider, when he worked and strived to make the homes and lives of people feel safe, secure..


Arashi's voice was quiet, he was mumbling while pressing his face against Wendy's chest, he was conflicted, this confliction ended up with him looking towards Elnora and smiling.

"I want to go to the school!"

He exclaimed with a giggle, squirming in Wendy's arms as he scampered down and around to Elnora practically tackling the woman as he bounced around, laughing and spouting words of joy.

"School! School! SCHOOL! I get to go to school with Su-le-tt-a-!"

His joy leaked into the others around him, with Elnora, Wendy, and Nyla all laughing and joining in on his little show of banter and such, it was almost uncontrollable for the adults.. Like an unknown power was washing over them enticing and driving them to experience the same joy as Arashi, but for the boy it was.. Genuine joy, he never went to school before, military school he did go to, but in the end that was.. to learn to kill and use weaponry, this school was one.. He might genuinely make friends, and experience other things..

And with the joy ending with Arashi becoming exhausted, he was carried by Elnora, with Nyla and Wendy walking beside her as the boy somewhat fell asleep, however it was a power nap per-say, something Arashi mastered and still held the ability to do, and what gave him the largest scare, as he still heard their conversation.

"Are you certain you want to go through with this Elnora.. Using them and their Mobile Suits.. It will cause a uproar most definitely."

"Oh.. That is well thought of Nyla. That's why I'm choosing them.. They with their dance partners.. Will surely be fine as they will watch each others back."

"Nyla, Elnora, why are you both dead sett on this still?! We have a new life here! We have everything to keep growing.. Why must we seek this."

Three distinct voices, all with varying worries and convictions for their goals, and Arashi stayed in his thoughts, the discomfort slithering up his back as it reached the surface, being shown to the women as a slight whimper, it was uncontrollable, and it made all the women stop their bickering as they looked to the boy, Elnora having a face that was filled with sadness, while Wendy and Nyla looked away with a major bit of regret.

"They are only kids.. We have no need to rush this.. We can take our time and play are cards at the correct time, and not show our full hand so haphazardly."

The voice of Elnora spoke up once again, a motherly tone, one that Arashi was sure used to hearing.. But it felt more sincere this time around, as if it was directed towards him.. But she should know that he was asleep- Thoughts spinning in his mind as he fell deeper into his sleep, the last thing he heard being the voice of his Aibo breaking through the silence..

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