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"With progress shown, and lives reclaimed, the colony prepared and pushed to future proof their home, an so over the span of five years they pushed to ready themselves to send their brightest off to a highly renowned school named.. Asticassia School of Technology.."

"Thus brings us to a year before their journey, they, being the LeFay sisters, the Mercurian, and the Hokubu Boy. These four talents among their many were those selected to be sent to this school, to give them a greater and more greater life to live and experience."

POV [ Narrator ]

"On your marks, Ready! Duel!"

A voice rang over speakers and screens throughout the Mercurian colony, many people of all ages laughing and having joyous expressions. There were many new faces amongst these people, with children of all ages either running around, or being held in 'hammocks' around their mothers or fathers torsos'. However after the voice came through the speakers they all hastily made their ways to their windows, looking out into the streets below where there was even more people, all the gathered being either Mercurian or some other race of person who was perhaps just visiting the colony.

This now showed what everyone was gathering to spectate.

Four Mobile Suits of varying designs all standing tall across from one another through the streets, their bodies being just tall enough to peak over the homes and buildings along the streets they individually stood in. After a moment or so the Suits all began moving, charging across the concrete and pavements before clashing with one another. Their weapons being dual clubbed staffs, shields, one handed clubs, or a rather lengthy club, all these weapons had extremely puffy casings around them, giving them a 'safety' factor, this was the same with the Mobile Suits which were of course 'custom', however that safety factor was built innately into them, the first and most obvious of the duels was a horned Mobile Suit which was wielding the rather long 'club' practically dancing around the urban environment as it 'dogged' the other three around, the other three being unique in their own ways with one of the suits wielding a sword and shield and having a 'knight' esthetic, this one in particular was the first to charge at the horned suit after the first encounter, charging with its shield held high, its pilot's teeth being grit as they clenched their controls, switching through their tools as they selected something which let out a bright flash from their shield, this obviously blinding the Horned suit which was charged and bashed, being sent flying across the pavement, rolling a ways before rebalancing and returning to a standing position.

It however wasn't given much room the breath as a much more bestial suit dived towards them, this one wielding a club in each hand, spinning wildly as it performed a combo of sorts on the Horned suit, the barbaric nature of the suit being emphasized by each combo it threw out, be it a whirl of swings or a grappling like move, it kept a lust for battle shown, ending as it deployed a tail of sorts before latching onto the Horned suit before tossing it back towards the center of the area their duel began, the Horned suit now rolling over multiple buildings and finding itself flat on its ass.

This is where the last suit charged in, this one being the only to, 'lock blades' with the Horned suit, this one was wielding a dual ended club, holding it at its hip like a broom of sorts, spinning it multiple times as it engaged in combat with the Horned suit, the first clash of course being the blade locking, this was countered by a kick from the Horned suit, however this kick was in turn countered once again with a grab, which was aimed at the ankle of the kicking foot.


A voice called over communications that were audible to all amongst the crowd and suits, it had been silent for the most part with growls and cry's of war coming across the channels for the most part, but this was the first word.

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