Chapter Thirteen

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Utterly dazed and satisfied after being fucked nine ways to Sunday, I stood up on wobbly legs as I picked up my discarded clothes

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Utterly dazed and satisfied after being fucked nine ways to Sunday, I stood up on wobbly legs as I picked up my discarded clothes. Alexei let out a chuckle as I nearly toppled over my face when I bent down. And that was when I realised that I quite liked this version of him. The one where he let himself go - even if it was for a little while.

"Careful there, milaya." His deep voice sent shivers through me, even after being worn out by him, as if I could never get enough.

I smiled at him in response as we both got dressed, a comfortable silence hanging between us. I winced a little as we started walking away from the decrepit building, the area between my legs a little sore. Apparently, I wasn't good at hiding how I felt from Alexei because, in the next minute, I was suddenly lifted up into his arms, bridal style.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" He replied easily.

I decided not to answer that, instead curling up against his warm chest, my hands latching onto the lapels of his coat. Somehow, it felt right, being with him. Like all of my worries could fall away and melt into nothing when I was in his presence. He felt like home.

Alexei gently put me down on my feet as we neared the car, before opening the passenger side door for me. I was just about to come up with a quip about him being quite the gentleman, when something caught my eye.

"What is it?" Alexei questioned when he saw my gaze travel to the front of the car.

Without answering, I made my way around him, my eyes widening by just a fraction as my eyes roamed over the message written in black pain over the hood of the car.

Watch your backs. You never know who might come after you.

"What the fuck?" Alexei's rough voice from behind me mirrored my thoughts as I reached out to pluck the pictures that were pushed under the windshield. I turned them around in my hand, thinking that it would be some kind of stupid joke - after all, this wouldn't be the first time that a Pakhan in the Bratva had been threatened or blackmailed.

My face paled as I took in the images, momentarily stunned to even get a word out.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I muttered. "This is bad, Alexei. So fucking bad."

Alexei wordlessly pulled the pictures out of my hands, his thick brows furrowing being the only indication that he was disturbed and at a loss as well.

The pictures clearly depicted Alexei and I in Sergei's bedroom the night we killed him - the only difference being that I was cut out of the frame. And I wasn't using the term we lightly over here - I was an accomplice to the crime since I had simply stood there and watched a man getting his life choked out of him. But whoever this was wanted to target Alexei solely even if he happened to know that I was present with him as well that night.

"Who could it be? It was dark outside when we were with Sergei. And besides, we were the only two people in the room."

"I don't know." Alexei's fingers subconsciously roamed over the pictures, his gaze turning upwards as he ran a hand through his hair.

All the post orgasmic bliss that had been present in the air a few minutes ago had vanished after the reality check that we had to face in the form of the pictures. If the man that we killed had been anyone other than my uncle, it wouldn't have been a problem. Hell, Alexei probably would have waved those pictures in front of his men as a way of celebration, another kill that bloodied his hands. But unfortunately, Sergei was my uncle and most importantly, an ex-Pakhan. This shit would not go down well with the rest of the Bratva. They'd be after Alexei's head more likely than not, even if his reason in killing Sergei Petrov was justified.

"I knew what I was getting into when I killed him." The sound of Alexei's voice broke the silence as he exhaled harshly. "This is my mess to clean anyways. I'll drop you home and then figure out what to do. Worst case scenario, I'll hand myself over if these pictures get leaked."

"No." I gritted my teeth, my anger flaring up at the fact that this man was giving up so easily. "Like hell are you going to give yourself in. We'll figure something out."

"You and I both know that unless we find who took these pictures, there's no way that we can keep Sergei's cause of death under wraps."

"That's all? You're giving up just like that?"

"Yes. If it means saving you, then yes, I'll give it all up just like that."

"But I -

"Let's not argue about this right now. It's late anyways so we should be heading home."

"But Alexei -

"Please, milaya." His words and the earnest plea in his voice had me stopping whatever argument that was about to come out of my mouth.

We'd figure a way out of this, no matter what, him and I.


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