Chapter Ten

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The soft whoosh of the door shutting behind me filled the air as Sofia and I stepped into the cemetery where Sergei was being buried

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The soft whoosh of the door shutting behind me filled the air as Sofia and I stepped into the cemetery where Sergei was being buried. Nothing but the soft sounds of footsteps on the ground penetrated the air as we huddled together near the coffin, a priest already standing with the bible clutched in his hands. White clouds billowed in front of me as I exhaled, my eyes darting to Sofia, making sure that she was beside me in my line of sight so that none of these fuckers could try anything with her. God knew that she had to deal with assholes everyday - me included.

"Brothers, we are gathered here today in remembrance of a great man." The priest started saying in Russian as I tuned his words out.

The funeral was nothing but a formality honestly. It would have seemed suspicious if I as the Pakhan hadn't properly completed the last rites of a well known ex-Pakhan. The mood in the cemetery wasn't as somber as it was after Ilaria's death, but there was an unnerving silence all the same. From what I remembered, Sergei hadn't been half as bad at leading our brothers. His downward spiral had only started after his wife left, his only addictions becoming alcohol and easy pussy. It was around at that time when I had started losing respect for the man that had given me shelter and treated me as one of his own.

I shook myself out of those memories as I focused back on the present moment. The chilly air sent goosebumps rippling through my body as I felt Sofia shift closer to me, her body heat rolling off of her in waves. Before I knew it, the ceremony was being wrapped up as Sergei's coffin was lowered into the ground, piles of snow surrounding it. A couple of people lingered by as one of my men pressed a stack of bills into the priest's hands.

"Pakhan," I turned my head to face Kostya, one of my most loyal men as he spoke, "we should head out to the warehouse. A new shipment has just come in."

"I'll be there to inspect it. Take a few men along with you and go ahead."

He nodded at me before his eyes slid over to Sofia, his chin dipping down in respect. And as soon as he had appeared, he vanished into the thicket of barren trees outside until only Sofia and I were left.

"I thought you'd like to visit someone now that we're here." I broke the silence as I observed Sofia turn to look at me from my peripheral vision.

Understanding dawned on her face as I turned my head to fully look at her, taking in her rosy cheeks and pale complexion. Her eyes softened as she held out a gloved hand towards me. I slipped mine into hers as she led the way deeper through the cemetery, our surroundings becoming darker and chillier.

We stopped in front of a grave that was surrounded by wilting flowers and empty candles. Ilaria's tombstone still seemed good as new, as if she had only recently died. Sofia knelt down, her pant clad knees sinking in the snow as she bowed her head, saying a Russian prayer. She pulled out a rose from the pocket of her jacket, placing it near the tombstone before she leaned back on her heels. A comfortable silence passed between us as the cool wind hit my face, making it numb to the air.

"Thank you." She whispered in a soft voice and if I hadn't been standing this close to her, I probably would have missed it. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"It's one of your rituals, isn't it? You visit Ilaria every other week."

"You knew that?" She turns to look at me, astonished, as if I didn't know every single tiny little detail about her.

"I know a lot of things when it comes to you, milaya." I took a deep breath before saying my next words. "Even when I tried to stay away, I couldn't help myself. I'm so attuned to you by now, it's kind of ridiculous." I admitted with a sharp laugh, feeling those same feelings of being unworthy bubble up.

"Then why did you hide it for so long?"

"Because that's what I felt I had to do. Like I would ruin you even if I laid my eyes on you." I mused as I ran my freezing hands through my hair. "And that's what I ultimately did, didn't I? I hurt you even when I was supposed to stay away from you."

Sofia once again laced her fingers with mine before leading us away from the grave and towards the car that was parked outside the gates.

"I don't know who or why you've been made to feel this way Alexei, but I wish I'd known this sooner. I wish I'd known you sooner. And I wished you hadn't pushed me away."

"Well, that makes two of us. I sure as fuck wouldn't have wasted so much time had I been in my right mind."

She hummed noncommittally as we got into the car, the heat inside warming us up. Sofia bit her lip for a moment, tempting me to take that luscious mouth and claim it as my own. God, the things that I had always wanted to do to her. I'd be the luckiest bastard alive if she'd let me even be near her now.

"What happened?" She questioned, breaking me out of my lust filled thoughts. "And I need to know, Alexei. I don't think this is going to work with half truths and you pushing me away."

"It's a long story."

"I have all the time in the world." She murmured as she placed her hand on my lap, squeezing in comfort.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself to recount what was possibly the worst night of my life. That one turning point that had completely wrecked me.

"Remember that therapist I was seeing a few years back? The one that Sergei had recommended?"


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