Chapter Three

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I took the stairs, two at a time, my mood bright and sunny - a stark contrast to the heavy snow that was falling outside

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I took the stairs, two at a time, my mood bright and sunny - a stark contrast to the heavy snow that was falling outside. Despite what had happened between Alexei and I last night, I was okay. It wasn't like this was the first time we had come close to crossing the line - the only difference was that this time, I'd been the one to push him back. To remind him of the boundaries that he had set long ago, breaking my heart in the process.

I shuffled into the dining room where Sergei was sitting, nursing a bottle of whiskey. No surprise there. Only there was a surprise, actually. Sitting right beside him was the last person I wanted to see. Nikita Fedorov. Also known as one of the few hookups I'd had over the years. And probably the worst one as well.

"Ahhh, I thought I'd bump into you here, dorogoy."

Yeah no shit jackass, I lived here. Though I didn't say that out loud, only smiling tightly at him before helping myself to some delicious breakfast that our cook had prepared. Ever since Mikhail had left, we'd hired a full time cook, knowing that none of us were skilled in the kitchen. Up until then, Mikhail had been the only one who'd been feeding us. It was a shame that he wasn't here anymore - though I was glad that he was happy with the love of his life now.

Sergei was half intoxicated as he stared at his empty plate, his eyes drooping even though it was only eight in the morning. At the rate he was going, he was sure to die from alcohol poisoning. Good riddance if that happened.

"You here for work?" I struck up conversation with Nikita as I speared the eggs into my mouth, chewing as I suppressed a satisfied groan at the taste.

"Yeah, I'm actually here to talk to Pakhan. He'd called me this morning for some urgent work."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but your Pakhan won't be coming down anytime soon. He's probably still asleep."

Lie. I just wanted Nikita gone from the house. His presence was grating on my nerves for some reason.

As if God was cursing me out from the heavens, Alexei descended the stairs in a three piece suit, his usual stubbled jaw shaved cleanly.

"Let's go." He muttered, not sparing me a glance.

I should have known. I should have known that he'd be this way. Hot and cold. That's how it had been for so long. It was as if the banter between us hadn't even happened last night. Yet, I couldn't help but feel another crack in my heart. And I fucking hated that. Fuck him for making me feel this way. Fuck him for being so goddamn beautiful, inside out.

"Where are you going?" I piped up, wanting to be involved as well.

"Work." He grunted, still avoiding my eyes. Had I been that harsh with him last night?

"I can see that, Captain Obvious." I snapped before standing up and moving towards him. "Now, are you going to answer my question properly or not?"

Alexei clenched his teeth before replying.

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