Meeting Sensei & Nya-Kai

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(It had to be you meeting Sensei & Nya because in the first story you had already met the ninja after the fire sooo yea.....) 

Sometimes I wish Nya was with me at the mall instead of the guys because right now we were just trying to find baby stuff for (Y/N) & every thing went wrong. First off Cole did't know what to get, then Jay was getting to much stuff that we did't have a enough money for, & Zane well Zane was actually the only one doing a good job at this. Right now we were in another baby place in the mall looking for baby formula & we saw one more box of it on the shelf. "Cole go get that last box of formula on the self before someone else gets it." I said while putting (Y/N) in the baby carrier. "K" Cole said starting to walk over to it & right before he grabbed it someone else had there hand was on it & grabbed it & walked away. "Cole come on that was the last one, we cant have (Y/N) hungry!" Jay said while raising his voice a bit. "Guys don't start fighting in front of (Y/N)." said Zane. "Actually your quite lucky we just got a new shipment coming in right now." said a women behind the cash register. "I'll go get you one now." she said walking in the back room & came back out with more formula & gave it to Cole. "Thanks so much." I said while giving her the money. "Np have a nice day" se said.

(Magical Time Skip to the Bounty)

Me & the other were trying to to sneak back into the Bounty but then that when Nya saw (Y/N) & started freaking out & just cooed like a manic. "Shes so cute!" she said. "Nya shh were tryin-" I said but got cut off by Sensei. "Now who's this little one?" Then me & the other ninja started explaining about the fire & how your parents died & about getting all things you needed. "Okay I'll let her stay she seems to have the fire like Kai has." Sensei said while chuckling as he saw you pulling on Kai's hair. I smiled at this & took (Y/N) with me to my room & changed her into some red kitty pajamas. (SOOO KAWAII DESUI 030) Then after we played for a bit I then heard her yawn & rub her eyes. "Aww tired already sweetie?" I said & then she nodded & (Y/N) stretched her arms up to Kai. I then carefully picked her up & laded down on my bed & she went over to me & curled up in my arms. I smiled & held her closer to my chest & then we both fell into a deep sleep.

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