Meeting the others-Jay

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I quietly started walking onto the bounty with (Y/N) in my arms. I had already bought her lots of stuff like toys, baby cloths, formula, dippers, & wipes. So I had every thing I needed, but then the worst happened. (Y/N) started coughing & sneezing. This made my smile turn into a big frown. "Oh (Y/N) please don't tell me that you are sick, I'll go get uncle Zane to scan you to see if you are. I started making a "B" line into the Kitchen to see Zane with his pink apron on & he was making soup. "Uh not to be rude Jay but why do you have a baby with you?" said Zane softly trying not to wake (Y/N). "Yes Jay why?" said Sensei coming in the room with Nya. "Aww shes so cute" Nya cooed. "Well the reason I have her is because I was just taking a calm walk in the forest, & then well I then saw three serpentine around a basket so ran them off, & then I looked inside the basket & saw a baby girl crying so I then calmed her down, so then I came back & now i think shes sick." Jay said then caching his breath. "I'll let her stay, but first go let Nya give (Y/N) a bath & I'll have Zane scan her after." Sensei said & looked at the door & opened it to see Cole, Kai, & Lloyd haveing there ear's pressed up against the door listening on the conservation, & when Sensei opened the door all three of them fell on the floor. (SOO SMOOTH GUYS) Then Sensei went over to them & bonked the three of them on the head with his staff. "Ouch!" The three said. "You know its rude to listen on peoples conservation." Nya said rudely before taking you to her bathroom to wash you up. "Well are you even sure its a good idea for Jay to have a baby?!" Kai said. "HEY I'll have you well know i'm vary good with babies & children." I said back at him. "Hey i'm just saying." said Kai. "I think she was actually really cute" Cole admitted. "Wait how did you see her?" Lloyd said. "When Jay was trying to sneak in I saw her, & by the way whats her name?" questioned Cole. "I didn't see any thing saying her name when I found her so I just named her (Y/N)."

(Time skip when Nya is done giving you a bath & when Zane's done giving you medicine.)

(Y/N) was playing with my blue hoodie & then she yawned & cuddled her head in my chest with her (H/C) hair in her face. I then smiled & picked her up & took her with me to my room. I laid down & put (Y/N) beside me under my covers & curled up with her. I then could hear her soft breathing under me as I stroked her cheek softly. "Goodnight my princess, sweet dreams." I said before falling asleep myself with my sweet baby girl named (Y/N) in my arms.

(Sorry this took forever I got really busy with studying for my end of year testing at school for the next two weeks)  

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