When he finds you-Lloyd

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Lloyd's P.O.V

I yawned as I laid in a tree at the park. Relaxing by my self, no evil, no training or unless Sensei hit me with his staff, That would usually hurt at lot. As the nice soft breeze hit the side of my face, I started thinking man this was beautiful day the birds were chirping, kids was playing in the gardens. Then out of the blue I decided I wanted some candy.......yes candy I just was craving it right now. So I hopped of the tree & started heading downtown to the candy shop. Once I got half way there I got lazy & claimed up a build-en & started jumping from build-en to build-en. (Sorry this sucks) Then where I got over there I started hearing something like a whimper, but it was to human too be a animal so I followed the sound of the cry & it lead me to something that made my heart break. A mother was holding a three day old baby girl upside down by the foot & was about to drop her off the top of the build-en. "HEY DON'T DO THAT, PLEASE DON'T KILL THAT POOR GIRL" I yelled. "Like if I care for her anyways" the lady said with a rude tone. Then as the wicked lady dropped the child I ran & jumped off the build-en & caught the baby before she hit the ground. Then the women started running off hopping never to see ether of them again. But I felt like I would see her again & then I would give her a peace of my mind. I then started to hear the baby start crying & sneezing, "Oh are you sick little one, I think I can get Zane to scan you to see whats wrong okay cutie" I said while rocking her to sleep. "I'll even give you a name for you cutie pie, hmm what about (Y/N)?" I said while looking into her breath taking (E/C) eyes. Then she started clapping her little tiny hands together, "I'll take that as a yes" I said & moving her (H/C) hair out of her face. Then I started walking back to the house & I started to wondering what the others will think.

(Big thanks to jocolate4326 for the idea for Lloyd's)

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