Separation and Survivors

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Time: 8:45 AM, date: October 23rd, 1990.

It's been a few days since I last updated my journal, but I had a good reason to. Elsbridge was overrun yesterday, and we haven't seen the others since the attack at Elsbridge. I bet you are wondering what happened at Elsbridge. I guess I'll start when Thomas attacked the place, we were discussing plans for what to do later on when we heard a whistle coming from the nearby Henry's tunnel. Instantly we knew who it was and that's when "it" came into view followed by another horde of those "zombies", we wasted no time and opened fire on the zombies. We mowed down at least half of them before they arrived and that's when all hell went loose. Bodies were dropping like flies and Donald and Thomas were going buffer to buffer, surprisingly Thomas was fending off Donald rather well for some time. I managed to get Edward and Wilbert out of the work shed and heard Donald cursing at Thomas before shoving the tank engine into the goods shed and knocking it down, Donald yelled at us to run, and I saw Duck trying to plead with Donald but eventually, I heard him puffing away towards the tunnel. Edward began to speed up now, but with Wilbert still gaining steam he was struggling. I think he knew he was dead weight, so he told me to uncouple him as we were moving. Edward begged me not to, but I saw the zombies catching up. I uncoupled Wilbert with a spare shunters pole that I had in the cab in case of emergencies and soon enough we lost sight of Wilbert short of the junction near Crosby. He must have derailed or something because he nor the zombies ever passed through Crosby in all the time we have been here. I probably should go into detail about Crosby and why we chose to stay there and not Wellsworth or something, well two answers we found Henry and Boco there partially unscathed, Alive of course but they looked like they had been through a bloody war. Especially Boco, he had bruises, cuts and an eyepatch over his right eye. 

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