Ironman (Jethro)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Today was the day of the famous Ironman Challenge.

A day to prove how much of a tough and unbeatable lifeguard you truly are.
The lead-up had been filled with shit-talk from other lifeguards. This year I'd actually decided to take part, I really didn't expect to win but what's the harm in a lil fun?

As it struck 7, the flags were taken down and crowds began to form around the starting point.
I was given a a pair of black swimming bottoms and a blue bikini top with my name printed in white on the front. The smell of hotdogs and burgers being cooked filled the air as us we changed into our race attire and I tied my hair into a loose pony.

"You know the drill, Run from Bondi to Tamarama, swim from Tamarama to Bronte then finish off with a paddle back to Bondi."
The announcer shouted through the megaphone.

"But, this year, we've decided to add a twist."
There was a mixtures of Ooohs in the crowd, but I smiled because I knew this was only to add to the drama.

"You're gunna have to partner up, because this is a duo race!"
He shouted. Whilst the the crowd screamed, Me and the others all exchanged confused and slightly concerned looks.

As a metal bingo machine was brought out with our names printed on the balls, I secretly hoped I was paired with Harries.

Harries was known for being one of the toughest competitors among us, and even had to be given a 15 minutes handicap one year.

The crowd wooed at every name being called until finally...
"Harries and... Joel!"
He shouted.


"(Y/N) and... Jethro!"
He shouted.
Joel smacked Jethro on the back as he was taking a sip from a water bottle, almost choking.

We took our positions and kneeled down on the concrete, preparing to run all the way to Tamarama Beach.

"Now, hold your partners hand and get prepared for takeoff!"
Jethro took my hand and we were off.

We ran for what seemed ages through endless streets, sweating as the setting sun was beating down on our backs until eventually reaching Tamarama.

We ran across the hot sand towards the sea, getting ready to swim to Bronte. I let go of Jethro's sweaty grip as we got about waist deep in the water.

The waves were very rough today so I knew it was going to be a rough swim.I made it to Bronte a few minutes before Jethro after being wiped by waves out many times.

I reckon we were maybe 3rd out of the 7 duos competing today which was pretty good.

I waited anxiously at the shoreline for Jethro as I could see a few others catching up. Eventually, he made it and we sprinted to the boards, only there was a severe lack of.

"you're gunna have to share a board guys."
Mouse explained, manning this checkpoint.

"Oh my."
Jethro said, calculating how we were going to pull this off.

We took and board and made our way back to the shore, planning how we are going to make our way back to Bondi as a team.

I hopped on the front and Jethro on the back as we agreed he had the most leg power of the both of us.

The waves did knock us over a few times but we got used to working together and overtook the others.

Jethro's POV:
I was sure we were first and the need for a win overtook me and I was running on pure adrenaline.
I kicked at the water behind us as hard as I could to ensure us first place.

We were now paddling past Tamarama and I could see a small group of people cheering us on, the waves had become a lot bigger making it harder to see where to rocks are.

I was pretty chuffed that I got put with (Y/N) for the race, I've had a little crush on her for a while now and I mean, not to sound to bold or anything but having her ass in my face whilst paddling back to Bondi was better than winning the competition.

(Y/N)'s POV:

We got close enough to the beach to relax a bit and finally catch our breath. We caught a small wave to bring us close to shore and while it was washing in, I rested my head on the board and attached my arms to the sides of my body.

The sun was very close to disappearing, making the ocean reflect a mix of orange and pink.

Jethro pulled himself up the board a bit so we was able to rest his legs and he strategically put the side of his face on my bum.

I said exclaimed, a little shocked but I knew he was only joking around.

"It's like a pillow (Y/N)!"
He defended himself, a big smile forming on his face.

We got to the shoreline of Bondi, ready to claim our victory when our board jolted to the right and caused it to tip over.

Jethro grabbed around my waist just before hitting the sea floor, but luckily enough we weren't in that deep.

We regained our balance, dropped our board on the shoreline and sloppily ran towards the finish line, crowds of people cheering us on.

We ran through the line of plastic, hand in hand and bowed to the audience.

I took a minute to catch my breath, noticing the others coming out of the sea and running towards us.

Suddenly, I felt a familiar pair of hands on my cheeks and was pulled to face Jethro. He pulled me closer, kissing me deeply then moving his hands from my face to my lower back.

He let go and looked deeply into my face, searching for a reaction. I giggled and covered my face with both of my hands to hide a blush and subconsciously touched our hips together and rested my head into his chest while his hands were still on my waist.

The crowd cheered at this sudden happening.

"I've wanted to do that for a while."
He said quietly, so that only I could hear.
I look up and smile at him.

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