[A] Heejake - Instant ramen

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Contains: a teensy-weenie bit of angst(i couldn't really find a genre, and it isn't exactly Fluff 😅)

- - Jake's pov - -

I'm not sure when it started, 3 weeks ago? A month? Maybe even the 7 years we've known eachother...

Anyways, if you don't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a feeling we know as love. Interesting isn't it? What love makes us feel, do, say. Right sorry, i'll get to the point

Heeseung, also my best friend wich I've known for 7 years.
I just feel nervous, wierd and I'm not sure, but I feel safe around him? Nowadays even just tue slightest contact makes my heart flutter. All the hugs, small pecks and so called 'dates' we've had, wich I just thought as bromance. Ya know, your typical best friends?

I just can't explain it, cant explain this feeling, this urge.
I can't explain me and him...

- - Third pov - -

Jake sighed as he put his books back in his locker, wondering what could happen next with Heeseung. Would he stutter again? Get butterflies in his stomach? Maybe even kiss the soft tender lips of his-
No never mind.

The younger thoughts got cut off as he was greeted by a familiar voice. "Hey Jakey!What ya thinking about? Puppy's, the end of school? " the said boy exclaimed "maybe even me?" he slightly chuckled, smirking a little.

'Maybe I am Heeseung, maybe I am...'
"Aha, wow you're soo funny, Hyung" Jake replied, sarcastically.

"I agree" he chuckled "anways, what do you have next?"
"English, how about you?" the younger asked.
"Algebra" Heeseung grumblud annoyed. "aha see you!" "see ya!"

- - Time skip - -

Jake was sitting in class, almost falling asleep. *ding* Jake looked down to check, he got a new message. 'Heeseung hyung!'
He opened the message, it said and I quote:

Heeseung <3
Hey, ik it's like the middle of class but like I could go for some Ramen. Wanna head to the convienice store after?

Sure, I would love too!

Jake shut off his phone, now focusing on whatever the teaching was going on about

- - Time skip - -

They were currently at the store, making ramen. After they made it, and waited for it to finish they Began gulping down the food.
"Mmmh, instant ramen is so good!" Heeseung said, the ramen muddling it a bit.

"I agree" Jake answered, smiling so hard he was sure his lips were stuck.

'Ha, just how I instantly fell in love with you...'

Sorry, if it was short!
It was kinda rushed 🙏
Should I make a part 2?🤔

You guys can say in the comments! Haha, hope you enjoyed. And make sure to eat well! <3

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