[F] Sunki - Cold

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So tmrw I will start with other fandoms but this is for everyone that was waiting for En :)
Sunoo woke up with a feverish feeling. His skin tingles, in an unpleasant way, each time it brushes against anything. Even the feeling of his short t-shirt sleeves are starting to irritate him now, with how uncomfortable it makes him feel. He tries to think of a way to make the tingles disappear but before he could even come up with any ideas his head throbbed, forcing him to hold onto the closest thing to him which just happens to be Ni-ki’s shoulder.

“Hyung?”, the younger mumbled softly, still groggy after being woken up by Sunoo’s hard grab on his shoulder. His sleepy blinking eyes are quickly wide open after hearing Sunoo’s pained whine though, body getting up on reflex to hover above the other’s body as his one arm is propped beside Sunoo’s head, his other hand cupping Sunoo’s cheek softly. “Hyung, what’s wrong?”

“Hurts,” Sunoo whined again, his hand subconsciously pushing away Ni-ki’s that’s been lingering on his cheek as the feeling of the other’s skin against him is too hot for him to handle, too uncomfortable for his own skin to bear. He kept on whining softly, his body eventually turning to the other side and curling up into a small ball at the edge of the bed.

Ni-ki decided that his hyung won’t possibly tell him what’s hurting him while being in that state but he had a few ideas in his head so instead of asking again Ni-ki jumped over Sunoo’s body and rushed to the kitchen, where he took a glass of water and some painkillers to give to the older. After one second of contemplating he decided to bring one KoolFever too, just in case if his hunch is correct.

He’s surprised that the others aren’t woken up by Sunoo’s increasing pitched whining at this point, but he understands that all of them are super tired anyway that they are sleeping like dead. He quickly sits on the floor beside the bed facing the curled up boy, gently nudging the other’s cheek with his forefinger. “Hyung, you need to take this painkiller if it hurts,” Ni-ki whispers softly, as he watches his hyung open his eyes slowly, lips trembling to say something but the words won’t come out of his mouth. Instead, he slowly sits up, one hand holding the side of his head throbbing in pain as the younger swiftly pushes in the two pills into Sunoo’s mouth and helps him swallow them down with the plain water he brought into the room.

Sunoo sits for a little bit longer before the effect of the painkiller kicks in, making him feel drowsy and effectively decreases his whining. His body plopped back onto the bed, the uncomfortable feeling under his skin is mostly gone by now, leaving only the overwhelming heat burning all over his body. It’s not too unbearable for him to keep him awake though, so his eyelids slowly close shut as his mind registers the need to sleep before feeling one hand cupping his cheek again, and this time he doesn’t feel too hot to push away ‘Ni-ki’s hand’, as his brain helpfully supplied.

He was about to ask Ni-ki why he’s trying to make him face the younger when a heartbeat later he feels the other’s forehead against his, the younger’s soft breath hitting his warm cheek and lips. They stay in silence for a while like that, until Sunoo’s almost convinced the other had fallen asleep against him if not for the soft sigh that left the younger’s lips.

“Sunoo hyung has a fever,” Ni-ki sighs and finally pulls away, although Sunoo is sure that the younger is talking to himself. His heart is filled with warmth at the worried tone that the younger used, feeling loved and cared for when he realized that Ni-ki had been sacrificing his own need of sleep to take care of him who just got a fever out of nowhere in the middle of the night. He cracks one eye open, a smile already tugging at his lips as he reaches his hand out to pat Ni-ki’s head before- “Ah!”

A cold cooling gel is smacked across his forehead. The KoolFever.

Ni-ki grinned as he climbed onto bed over his hyung’s body, pressing his back against the wall before pulling the other into his arms and covering their body with the huge blanket. He laughs softly upon seeing the older pouting while mumbling about how cold the KoolFever is on his skin, hands rubbing Sunoo’s back comfortingly as he presses a kiss onto the soft cooling gel pad stuck onto the older’s forehead.

“Sleep now hyung, you need as much sleep as you can get.” Ni-ki’s eyes caught the blinking time displayed on the digital clock across the room, as the neon numbers brightly read ‘3:10am’. He automatically yawns upon seeing the time, body quickly catching up to fall asleep too as his eyes are closed shut and all Sunoo can hear is his steady breathing. Sunoo presses a kiss onto the younger’s cheek and silently mumbled a ‘thank you for taking care of me’, before rubbing his warm face- that he convinced himself is ‘really just because of the fever, only the fever really,’- against the younger’s chest and follows Ni-ki to dreamland.
So yeah, again tmrw I shall start with the other fandoms. Good byee!! (pls request)

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