[F] Jake - Storm

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Contains: Fluff ^^
Context: Jake decides to go out, but a storm comes and he catches a cold...
(Also, if I write in italics that means it's their thoughts)

It was a sunny day.
the sun was shining so bright, that one look at it and you would sure be blinded. Jake took a look outside the small circular window and sighed.

'hah, it sure is sunny ain't it? I should get out get some movement. And touch some grass' he chuckled

Jake crept downstairs after changing into some comfy clothes. "oh, hey" a soft voice said. "Hey, wanna go on a walk with me?" they boy replied.
"No sorry, I have plans of gaming all day."
"C'mon Rikiii, just a small walk"
Jake begged. "nope" "Hmmph, fine" The older grumbled.

Jake took his bag and left, not taking the umbrella. I mean, it was really sunny after all. What could go wrong?

- - Jake's pov - -
I was a bit down that Riki didn't wanna come with me, but I won't let anything ruin this day! I hope atleast...
I walked past a few shops, malls and restaurants. My stomach then grumbled, at the same time my eyes caught a bakery.

I stepped inside to be greeted by the sweet scent of baked goods, and the bitter but nice aroma of coffee. "Hello! Welcome to decelis bakery, what can I get for you today?" The lady at the register asked. "Just an Iced latte please" "Comin right up! Take a seat." "Thanks" I mumbled.

I took a seat next to a window, admiring the beautiful scenery.
Not long after my latte came and I happily drank it, leaving my worries aside. But what I didn't notice, were the small but visible raindrops on the window. Nothing seemed to bother me.

I took one last sip of my latte, refusing to notice the pouring water outside. "Thanks for the drink!" I shouted, politely at the lady. "No problemo!" she shouted back.

It was only when I took a step outside, that I had finally noticed the drenched city. "Agh, great" I groaned "Just had to ruin my mood"

- - Third pov - -
Hurriedly, Jake ran as fast as he could reaching the dorm in no time. But completely soaked, from head to toe. He took his keys and opened the door, drying his shoes to be greeted by his members.

"Good golly! Jake what happened to you?" Jungwon exclaimed. Quite dramatically if I have to say. "Ah well, long story short, I went outside for a walk and got soaked." he muttered.

- - Time skip - -
- - Jake's pov - -

After a long tiring day, I decided to get some rest. I was sleeping peacefully when I was awakend by this aching in my head. I groaned while massaging my head, hoping for the pain to go away but it didn't help, at all. I stood up to go get some water.

"Jake, you ok? You look quite pale" The oldest asked. "Yeah... Just a headache." I supposed, getting the sudden urge to sneeze. "Jake, you really don't look to good." he said, noticeable concern in his voice.

"I'm fine Hyung, don't worry"
"Nope, you sit down right now" he ordered patting his hand at the open space on the couch. "I'm getting a thermometer, wait here!" I sighed and walked over to the couch. A few seconds later he came back

- - Third pov - -
"Ahh Jakey, I think you have a cold" Heeseung explained,as the younger was also showing several other symptoms of a cold. "Oh" Jake replied, as the older ran off again "here, take some medication and rest, ok?"

Jake could sleep a bit better with the medication, but the pain didn't go away.

The cold lasted for a few days, but that was okay. He had his members taking care of him.
Jay making him soup, Riki constantly cuddling him to keep him warm, Heeseungs belly rubs, and the others trying to get his mind off the pain. It was just a cold after all...

That was my first story! I hope you liked it.
600+ words, damn 😅
Sorry, if it was short or anything. It's my first story aha. Well, make sure to vote and request. But most importantly, take care of yourself!! :)

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