[A] Sunki - Moral of the story

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Contains: Angst (like maybe a lot)
Also,warning! Mentions of violence and r@pe (sorry sunoo 😭)

Ashe - Moral of the story

Sunoo sighed as he sat on a bench admiring a certain boy while thinking
"Hey Sunoo!" "oh! Hi wonie."
Jungwon, gasping for his breath as he was trying to catch up with Sunoo looked up. "What ya thinking 'bout?" Sunoo started turning red. "Do you know that um boy from the opposite class? The tall Japanese with black hair?" Jungwon looked shocked "Nishimura Riki?!" "Um... Yeah" "Dude, absolutely no. Listen I get he's handsome and stuff but him? That's a no go, he's a player, he would just break your heart. Sunoo... please don't"
'maybe atleast just... friends?' Sunoo thought.

So I never really knew you
God, I really tried to
Blindsided, addicted

"Riki! Wait! Maybe just-" *gasp*
"Dude, would you stop following me and chasing me? You obsessed or smth, jeez"
"I-im sorry" he answered back, embarrassed. "Just maybe one date?" "ughh, fine. If that'll get you to stop nagging me" "Thanks!" The older bowed.
Sunoo, a innocent sweet boy. Kind, caring, loving. Blinded by love, unknowing of what awaited him....

Felt really we could do this
But really I was foolish
Hindsided, it's obvious

Sunoo clasped himself tightly shivering, as it was cold in Seoul at the moment. "Haha, I know right he thought he'd have a chance" "Pfft, as if" The boy heard faint voices in the dark.
"Oh! Riki there yo- and oh, hi?"
"Yeah, just brought my friends along. Though you wouldn't mind, would ya?" he said whilst smirking. "I um-.. No" The older stuttered

They entered an alleyway. "W-what are we u-um doing here" Sunoo gulped nervously. It was dark, cold and just didn't sit right with him.

- Warning! -
"Guys?" Sunoo repeated himself.
One of the slowly looked as if he was about to undress himself.
"Haha" Riki laughed "I've been wanting to blow of stean anyway" "What do you mean by that, Riki? Guy-"

- Timeskip -
Sunoo came home, fealing weak, like he was about to faint, and crying. "Sunoo, you're home! and-" his mother stared at him as if she's seen a ghost "OH MY GOD" she shouted "S-sunoo are you OK? Hold on dear, I-I'll call an ambulance just w-wait" she choked out, looking at the state of
her sweet boy...
Drenched in water and something else. Bruises, cuts forming almost everywhere of his body. Blood. Limping, from being unable to stand. Clear marks of...

He was rushed to the hospital, the police questioned him (for obvious reasons). Soon, enough a report was filed. Riki and etc. charged with abuse, r@pe and unspeakable things.

Talking with my lawyer
She said "Where'd you find this guy?"
I said "Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes"

But Sunoo, oh Sunoo. He was just to blinded by love. Forgiving him, "it's alright, it wasn't your fault"

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
You can think that you're in love
When you're really just in pain

"Sunoo! I told you.. I freaking told you" Jungwon sobbing by his hospital bed "Why just why, him?" voice getting shaky.

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
In the end it's better for me
That's the moral of the story

The boy, having not taking of his blindfold yet. Gave him a so called 'second chance' and decided to start dating. Funny, how blinded by love must you be? That one, simple desicion ruins your life. I wonder.

Their relationship was the defenition of toxic, yet Sunoo just forgave him again and again. Saying "it's not him, it's me. I'm the problem". He would just be used for pleasure or for when Riki was angry to let steam out. If you looked at the boy, you'd notice something was wrong. Cuts, bruises everywhere. To many to even count them

It's funny how a memory
Turns into a bad dream
When running wild turns volatile
Remember how we painted our house
Just like my grandparents did?
So romantic, but we fought the whole time
Should have seen the signs, yeah

"Mom! It's ok. I-m fine!" "No Sunoo, you're not. Just look at you, I can't stand this anymore"
"son" his father noted "I get love, I get heartbreak, but this this is to much please just stop!"
"No! I-I love him! A-and he l-oves me back..." he let chocked out a sob, while running out.

Talking with my mother
She said, "Where'd you find this guy?"
Said, "Some people fall in love
With the wrong people sometimes"

The relationship continued, Sunoo completely denying his fate. That maybe Riki didn't love him? Well, it was obvious. But, if you're being blindfolded by love, not so obvious is it? He curled up in a ball sobbing and whispering to himself "it's fine, it's ok I love him, he loves me" love, love, love oh when does it end?
There its goes.

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
You can think that you're in love
When you're really just in pain

Looking at his once clear, beautiful reflection. Now scarred.

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
In the end it's better for me
That's the moral of the story

A year has passed, he shut of contact with his friends, Jungwon and his parents. They started living together. Sunoo, when will you take the blindfold of and just see, what your fate is. He won't, he just won't love you...

They say it's better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
That could be a load of shit
But I just need to tell you all

As the moments passed by, one by one, the boy almost fully broken. Started to take of his blindfold off, realizing that maybe he doesn't love him the way he loves him. It hurts it really hurts but that's the moral of the story...

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
You can think that you're in love
When you're really just engaged
Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
In the end it's better for me
That's the moral of this story

The relationship ended, due to his family pressing charges and Riki's family moving away. Sunoo sighed, as he finally felt free, finally saw things the was they were. No more being blindfolded. In the end it was better for him.
That's the moral of the story...

Damm 1000+ words? I just really want to apologize to Sunoo, cus nobody deserves to go through this. And remember, never be afraid to ask for help.

I hope yall have a nice day/evening/night or afternoon! Stay safe, kids!☃︎

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I hope yall have a nice day/evening/night or afternoon! Stay safe, kids!☃︎

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