Part 1: The Beginning

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New York 14.11.2022:

New York is attacked by Godzilla, the US Army is on the defensive and they are trying to defend themselves from Godzilla.

(music starts)

(godzilla stomps tank)

Godzilla ignores the tanks as they shoot him and Godzilla just stomps on them. When almost all the tanks from New York have disappeared, the Russian bombers arrive. Russian bombers wanted to bomb Godzilla, but the Americans said not to, because there were civilians on the battlefield. But later the civilians were killed by Godzilla so the Russians dropped two bombs from three bombers (each bomber has two). The bombs landed right on Godzilla's face doing nothing. The Russians threw bombs at Godzilla a few more times and Godzilla got pissed off and got angry. He destroyed all three bombers with 0.001% of the power of the atomic breath. A US military base near New York has ordered their troops to withdraw. Godzilla looking at them was about to fire an atomic breath. Tanks and armored vehicles were unable to escape because Godzilla destroyed all of New York with one hit on them.

The explosion was so strong that it reached the nearby military base, which is 70 kilometers from New York

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The explosion was so strong that it reached the nearby military base, which is 70 kilometers from New York. New York is not the only city to be destroyed in 2022. Many cities have disappeared because of Godzilla.

68 years ago:

1954 is the year when Godzilla rised from the ocean. The Japanese thought they could kill him with the help of the Americans, but they failed. Tokyo was crushed to the ground that day. The Japanese had no choice but to retreat to other parts of Japan. After that day, Godzilla also appeared in Hong Kong, Miami and San Francisco. The armies tried to create the most advanced weapons to kill Godzilla but it was of no use. Militaries have even created tank-like vehicles that can freeze things.

Two years after the first arrival of Godzilla, another Kaiju appeared. According to the ancient legends of old Japan, that Kaiju is called Anguirus. Anguirus reminded scientists of the extinct ankylosaurus. He didn't attack Japan and he didn't attack any other country either. He is a Kaiju who is with humanity. He fought Godzilla once in 1984 but Godzilla defeated him. Then the anguirus went to the ground and no one saw him for a long time.

Himalayas 1984:

The American army located Godzilla lying on the beach, but they didn't know if he was alive or dead, so they sent the navy, which arrived in a few hours to the Himalayas.

(music starts)

When the navy was close enough, the carriers sent planes to find out if Godzilla was alive or dead.

When the navy was close enough, the carriers sent planes to find out if Godzilla was alive or dead

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When the planes flew over Godzilla they saw a van and some people around his head.

Cameraman:,, Man this is going to be a hit on the internet!"

(godzilla opens his eyes and looks at the cameraman)

Godzilla roared so loudly that the cameraman died in front of him. Godzilla turned towards the navy and prepared an atomic breath to destroy the navy. But at that moment Anguirus jumped out of the ground and knocked Godzilla to the ground. Godzilla quickly hits the Anguirus with his tail and the anguirus falls to the floor. Godzilla gets up from the ground and bites Anguirus on the neck. Anguirus starts to roar loudly in pain. Anguirus raises part of his armor on his back and drives the spikes into Godzilla's head and neck. Godzilla stopped biting the Anguirus which gives him a chance to jump on Godzilla and take him down again. Anguirus knocked down Godzilla and started biting his neck, while biting Anguirus started to scratch Godzilla with his front legs. Godzilla got pissed off and threw Anguirus into the ocean with an atomic pulse. Anguirus came out of the ocean to try to kill Godzilla one more time but Godzilla avoids the jump from Anguirus and Godzilla grabs him by the tail and throws him to the ground. Anguirus roars in pain so loudly that everyone on the ships covers their ears and retreats before Godzilla attacks them. Anguirus fled to the ground and Godzilla roared in victory. Only four people died that day, but there was a lot of blood. Godzilla went into the ocean and later at the place where Godzilla and Anguirus fought people came to see what happened there. A few of them stepped on Godzilla's blood, which turned them into zombies in seconds. A small army from the Himalayas managed to stop the zombie attack and tried their best to kill all the zombies. Later, scientists came and carefully collected the data they needed to better study about Godzilla.

Some countries started insulting each other for not being able to kill the 173 meter tall creature. Wars could have arisen between states, but they did not. Countries were losing so much to Godzilla that they started calling him the God of Chaos. The states called Anguirus the God of Protection, but there are not only Godzilla and Anguirus on earth, there are also other Kaijus. Scientists have divided Kaijus into two groups. The first group is the Kaijus of protection or Gods of protection, it is divided into some subgroups, namely:
-Gods of water
-Gods of light
-Gods of the earth
-wind Gods

And another group, the Kaiju of Destruction or Gods of Destruction which are divided into some subgroups such as:
- Chaos Gods
- Gods of fire
- Gods of the earth
- Gods of water
- Gods of light
- Gods of the space
- Crystal Gods

The war will last for a very long time, humanity will have to find a way to survive this war. Wars will become more and more deadly.


Hello Kaiju fans I hope you liked first part,this is not my first time that I am writing a story. I had two stories based on ShadoGoji ( Chaos Godzilla/Kaosugoji is ShadoGoji but I just changed design, abilities and name). If you want to ask me something just comment here.

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