Part 7: Invasion of monsters to war

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In the last part, Godzilla was sent to Diyu and returned back to the surface, he roared to let everyone know that he is back. Odin and the other Gods heard that he killed Lucifer, so they prepared for war.

01.12.2022 Indian Ocean:

Godzilla headed for Hong Kong, the Indian, Australian and Chinese navies prepared to defend. The crew heard some banging below them but it wasn't Godzilla.

(music starts)

Out of the water leaped a huge snake-like creature that was later classified as the Gods of Destruction/Water. The creature was called Manda, Manda destroyed all the ships in a few seconds, except for one, he headed for the rear ship, but just as he was about to destroy the ship, Godzilla grabbed Manda and pulled him into the depths. Manda wrapped himself around Godzilla making it impossible for Godzilla to move. He was biting Godzilla's head trying to kill him. After a few bites, Godzilla fired an atomic breath at Manda, causing the creature to flee. Godzilla tried to catch Manda underwater but failed because Manda is too fast.

Godzilla lost sight of Manda and stopped

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Godzilla lost sight of Manda and stopped. He tried to find Manda but couldn't. After a few seconds Manda appeared behind Godzilla and wrapped himself around him again. This time Manda gripped Godzilla with all his strength and dragged him into the depths. Manda was then bitting Godzilla and began electrocuting him. It turns out that electricity does not cause much damage, but takes away vital energy. Godzilla was getting more and more tired, wasting energy, his only option was to use the atomic pulse and he used it. Manda was thrown several kilometers away, Godzilla roared at Manda that he knew Godzilla didn't have time to fight. Manda heard this and left. Ten minutes later and Godzilla appears on the beach of Hong Kong.

Godzilla began to glow blue and roared so loudly that it was heard around the world

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Godzilla began to glow blue and roared so loudly that it was heard around the world.

(rewind to 04:50)

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