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I had braided Gi's hair for a while, not realizing how fast time was moving because before I knew it, I was finished his hair, the sun was going down and everybody was now outside in the streets partying.

The music was loud, Gi was mingling with his friends and I was enjoying myself on the step with my sister, his mom, his aunts, his cousins and his sister.


I couldn't help but to watch though as a few girls were also in the streets, a few girls I didn't know of course and they all walked up onto the guys as they stood there. The guys were all smoking and drinking and having a good time so they weren't paying too much mind but I could immediately tell that the girls were looking for attention.

Especially from Gianni as he stood there tall as a tree with those damn grey sweatpants on that was showing a print in them.

So I watched closely as all the women around me continued talking and drinking not really noticing. I paid close attention though and almost immediately one of the girls wasted no time, walking up to Gi and standing in his face with her hands on her hips.

I said nothing as I looked down, smiling to myself and Gia caught me when I did.

"Chile.." She trailed off, looking at everybody in street.

"Look at these bitches." She went on saying, focusing on the girls in all the guys faces but specifically on the one in Gi's face.

"Hush up all that cursing." Ms. Mandy, Gi's mom, shushed her but that was nothing new.

Giannina said whatever she wanted. In front of whoever she wanted.

"No, I'm serious, mama."

"It's nothing but niggas over there and it's no reason for them to be in their faces especially Gianni's taken ass."

"Everybody in the hood know he's with Nicole, so I take that as disrespect."

"The bitch is being disrespectful, Nicky." She went on as she threw her 40 back, making me laugh before everybody else did the same.

"Look, Nic." Anya pointed as the girl continued to stand in Gi's face and his tall figure stood there, taking a pull from his blunt.

"You want me to go and fuck her up, Nic?" Giannina stood her feet as all of the older ladies tried to calm her down and I shook my head doing the same.

"Sit your drunk tail with all of that ghetto mess." One of their aunties spoke up as they calmed her down.

I still said nothing as I sat there calmly, just watching and Gi ended looking behind him to look at me on the step.

I didn't even have to say anything, he saw the look on my face and already knew what time it was. No more than a second went by before he immediately dismissed the girl and he removed himself all together.

He'd ended up walking over to where his brother was standing and leaning on the car.

I sat there in peace now, shifting my focus elsewhere as all the ladies on the step smiled and laughed at the entire situation.

"See, when you're graceful like my daughter in law and comfortable in your position, you don't ever have to lift a finger."

"Your man would already know better and never have you out in the streets fighting like a streetwalker." Gi's mom spoke up for me and all the ladies on the step commended me as I continued to remain quiet but watched like a hawk.

Lord knows I didn't play with or about my man.

He knew that.


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