Chapter Four

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Wes's Pov:

"Wake up you donkey." My mother scolded, swatting me with a pillow.

"Mama, I have jet lag," I groaned into my pillow.

"If you don't wake up to normal time here, it'll take forever to get rid of your jet lag." She said, shuffling around my room.

A few days had gone by since the birthday party and now there was another birthday party. At Meera's house.

Her uncle is turning fifty today and they have a huge bash planned for him. Today I have to talk to Meera more, her and her parents are leaving for Florida in less than a week for a mini vacation and then wedding.

The person getting married is a family friend of ours as well, so we're also flying out for it but six or seven days after Meera and her family goes.

I slowly got out of bed and slapped on workout clothing so I could head to the neighborhood gym.

Getting there, I checked into the system and began my warmup.

When I start my cardio, out of the corner of my eye I see Meera and her cousin walk in.


I pushed through the rest of my workout without crossing paths with them.

"Wes? Are you leaving?" Jai asks, Meera drinking water behind him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh good, can you walk her home? She's done but I'm not and she's not allowed to walk alone." He explained.

"No it's fine, I can stay." Meera interjected.

"Yeah, I can walk her home." I cut her off, smiling at Jai. "Let's go lyubov."

She sighed before stepping forward. "Fine."

I pushed the door open and held it for her. "Thanks," she muttered. "You're coming over right?"


"For the party." She clarified.

"Oh, yeah."

"Just a heads up, the theme is black and gold."

"Thanks," I smiled. "How's your ankle doin?"

"It's good, not sprained or twisted so we're chill."

"That's good," This conversation was getting more and more awkward by the minute. "You sure you can walk?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She took out her claw clip and redid her hair.

"I was gonna offer a piggyback ride.." I trailed off.

What the fuck are you doing?

"A piggyback ride?" She questioned.

Oh god, I'm losing it. Who in their right mind offers a piggyback ride like that?

"Yeah," I croaked, my neck turning red.

"Uh, if the offer is still there, I'll take you up on it." She said slowly.

Oh thank god.

"Okay," I bent my knees, slightly dropping in front of her. She hopped up on my back and I fully stood back up, continuing to walk.

"How was Russia?" She asked, tugging my hair a bit.

"It was good, I actually enjoyed the trip way more than I expected to."

"That's nice."

"I missed you." I added.

"I missed you too."

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