Chapter Ten

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Wes's Pov:

As soon as I got home, I texted Meera. When I got no reply, I called and left several voicemails but to no avail.

About half an hour later, Sara and Rowan barge into my room. Rowan power walked towards me, his jaw clenching. Sara glared at me from the doorway.

"What the hell are you playing at?" Rowan demanded, pulling me up from my bed. "You can't fucking lie to her, especially when she's still in recovery."

"Wes why did you lie?" Sara asked, putting a hand on Rowan's shoulder. His grip on me loosened as he let Sara come forward.

"I'm scared okay!?" I snap. "Things have changed and I don't know who she is sometimes."

"What do you mean?" Sara asked, confusion filling her face. "What are you scared of?"

"I'm scared that she's going to realize I haven't changed like she has and that it's going to drive us apart."

"The fuck?" Rowan interrupted. "No she's not. You are in your head, okay?"

"A lot happened when I was gone and I don't know how to fit in her life sometimes. One moment I'm there with her, enjoying with her and then the next, it's just you three and I'm in the corner."

"Then engage yourself when it happens!" Rowan exasperated. "You can't just give up like that."

"She wouldn't give up on you," Sara added.

"Are you going to break up with her?" Rowan asked all of a sudden.

"What no?!? Are you fucking joking?" I groaned, pressing the bridge of my nose. "Is she okay?"

"We just did karaoke with her and she said she's fine but I know damn well she's not." Sara replied.

"Tomorrow morning, you and I are going to go over to her house." Wes stated.

"Okay," I agreed.

"You're not getting out of this. I want a nice apology and a good fucking explanation from you because I know she won't ask but she definitely wants to know why you did what you did today."

I couldn't even open my mouth to reply, because I knew he was right. She didn't deserve any of this.

Rowan crashed in his room for the night and Sara used the guest room since she didn't want to go back to Meera's house and disturb them.

True to his word, Rowan showed up at my room door the minute I opened it and dragged me next door.

It was almost eight am, Sara and Rowan were both fully ready and I was just in a pair of sweatpants and a fitted shirt.

We ring the doorbell and are greeted by Meera's mom.

"Hey guys," she smiled. "Um I think Meera's asleep but you can go check. I was on my way out."

"Thank you," I say, taking off my shoes.

She left and we all stood around in the foyer, debating on whether we should go up or not.

I look over at Sara who's typing away on her phone.

"Ugh," she groaned before shutting her phone and cupping her hand around her mouth. "MEERA?"

A few seconds later, we hear a door open and Meera walks to the railing rubbing her eyes. She's in an oversized shirt and I can't tell if she's wearing shorts but I know she probably is because she hates sleeping in only her underwear. Her hair falls in ringlets around her face, escaping the messy bun she had her hair in.

When her vision clears, I catch her gaze and she freezes.

"Meera?" Rowan calls.

She snaps out of her trance and hesitantly walks down the stairs.

"Um, hi," she muttered, heading straight for Sara and avoiding me. "What's going on?"

"Is it just us at home?" Rowan asked.

"Yeah, dad's out for a trip and baa is at foi's house." She replied. "Excuse me, I need water. Do you guys want anything?"

"No we're all good." Sara and Rowan answered.

We followed her into the kitchen and living room. She drank a few sips before sitting down in the living room.

"Okay so why are we having a meeting before eleven am?" She asked, holding back a yawn.

Rowan cleared his throat, giving me a hard push. I walk over and stand near Meera.

"Can I talk to you alone?" I ask Meera, holding my hand out for her to take.

She looked at my hand, then into my eyes and then at Sara, contemplating several things. She finally took my hand.

"Rowan?" Sara called. "Let's go up to my room and give them space."

He sighed before following her upstairs. Meera dropped my hand and patted the now empty seat next to her.

Instead of sitting down next to her, I dropped to my knees in front of her.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, my eyes glazing over, noticing how her eyes were filled with water and how puffy her under eyes were.

"It's okay." She muttered, wiping her face as the tears fell down.

"No, it's not." I breathed. "I'm an asshole."

A laugh sputtered from her as her tears stopped.

"Yeah, yeah you are." She agreed.

I leaned in, cupping her face into my hands. "Look at me,"

She hesitantly met my eyes. "Ya lyublyu tebya."

"English please." She mumbled, leaning into my touch.

"I love you."

I leaned in as she closed her eyes, kissing the tear that hung on her cheek. I kissed her other cheek before kissing the corners of her mouth and finally claiming her lips.

It was a soft kiss. Nothing dramatic or over the top. Simplistic and minimal.

Her lips were like soft clouds. Meera's arms curled around my neck, linking together as she pulled me closer. We pull apart and she dives for my chest, hugging me tight.

"I was going to tell you this last night but Cass is going on a date with this guy from Creston and she didn't want to go alone so I said we could go on a double date." She says after a few minutes. "You up for it?"

"I'll be there." I said even though I was worried about it ending in a disaster.

Everything still feels weird and off, almost as if I'm in a simulation and it's all fake.

Chapter Ten


This was adorable ngl and I love the small sweet things



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