NE 23 ♥ Gray v Hibiki: Battle of Justice

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Heyeyeyeyey, everybody!! Let's celebrate because Neko Erza is in WooHoo! Thank you to AmnaK96, who suggested me to publish the story in that site and for that I dedicate this chapter to her. Before, I was really bummed that I couldn't post NE there, because I had problems with my account, LuvOreos. But now, my account is now fixed and already started to post chapters! Guys, please go check it out!

Disclaimer: This is not for Fairy Tail, but for the title of the chapter XD I think most of you already have heard Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (no, I'm not a DC fan). I just used the movie title for this chapter, so it's not mine.


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Chapter 23 - Gray v Hibiki: Battle of Justice

The words that came from the bookworm's mouth were hard to take in for Lucy. Almost unbelievable and insane. Wait, it is unbelievable and insane. She completely forgot to ask her best friend who did it. The person who did the crime. It wasn't by accident that Erza turned into a cat!

Now, Lucy knows who's the one.

It's Levy.

"Erza never told me who did it." Lucy said, placing a hand on her forehead. "And I wouldn't believe it's you, Levy."

Levy smiled, "I didn't know that it expired. The reason why I gave it to Erza-san is because I don't put on perfume."

The blonde looked at her, confused. "Then, why do you have it in the first place?"

"Uhh, from the Levy devotees." She sounded embarrassed as she said it.

Lucy laughed at the her sudden confession. "You have a a fan club?" She couldn't believe the fact that this little teen has her own fanboys.

Levy scrunched up her face as Lucy continued laughing. She's the type of girl, who doesn't get make-up for a present. She wanted books. Encyclopedias, almanacs, anthologies.

At one point, she was happy. . . yet disappointed that her own fans had let her down.

"Stop intervening with my social life!"

"Hehe. . .okay."

Realizing that Erza has disappeared, they returned back to the big cottage where everybody was. And no one was there?

The girls wondered where everybody was. Then, they heard Natsu yelling at the distance and followed it. As they got closer, they heard cheers and screams. There was a big crowd surrounding an area. Lucy was on her toes, trying to find out what was going on. "Looks like there's commotion." She said. Levy responded with a nod.

"I bet 500 jewels on Gray!"

"5000 jewels if Hibiki wins!"

The celestial wizard tensed. "Macao and Wakaba?! Why on earth are they betting on Gray and Hibiki?"

Levy and Lucy thought of the most possible answer.

They're going to fight?!

Lucy took a deep breath, before entering with Levy just behind her. After all the shoving and pushing, they reached the center of the crowd. It was a vacant quad for volleyball.

"Yo Lucy! Over here!" Natsu called for her from the right.

She looked right and found Natsu with the other Fairy Tail members. The two approached him. "What the heck is going on, Natsu?" Lucy asked with hands on her hips.

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