NE 20 ♥ Childhood Memory of You

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Hows it goin?!! Haha I know you missed me, my friends! :D Thanks for waiting for my update on this beautiful story of mine! I could've updated this sooner, but the exams were coming close and I had fever. So...........HAPPY SEM-BREAK TO ME!!!




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Chapter 20 - Childhood Memory of You

"Time for bed, Erza." Gray told while washing the dishes. It was a quiet night. No noise, no sound. He heard her groan in disagreement. "It's like I'm babysitting a 6-year-old." he thought, wiping the plate and putting it back in the cupboard.

"It's getting late, you better go upstairs." he stated.

She groaned again, but this time louder. "I'm still hungry." Gray sweat-dropped.

She already ate 10 sandwiches and 1 bowl of noodles and she still wants more. 


Gray decided to give in and opened my fridge to get some left over sandwiches. "Here's some of the sandwiches." 

The requip mage smiled gleefully as she took the sandwich and bit it. "Thanks, Gray-kun!" He smiled, watching Erza eating the sandwich. He watched her gobbling it that made her cheeks puff. It was too priceless. You get to see Erza like this only once in a while.

He was so lucky.

"Gray-kun..." she called, "can I go to bed now?" He nodded and directed her upstairs. He opened the door and stepped aside, making way for her to enter.

She giggled with pink-tinted cheeks and went in. Gray doesn't know why, but that giggle just made his stomach knot.

Or maybe its just that feeling that something amazing - no, precious is going to


* * *

Slightly opening his eyes in the middle night, because of this weird thought in his head that something just happened. Gray slowly turned his head to his side and found Erza gone. He quickly sat up and looked around the room, but to find no Erza. 

He jogged downstairs to the table, to the living room, to the kitchen and it's empty. It's empty. It's dark. No one is here. Damn, how many times has Erza been sneaking away from him?

"Shit, I seriously need to put a bell around that woman." 

Then, he thought she might be outside and immediately went to the door. Surprisingly, the knob was unlocked. "Erza went out!" he thought. He ran outside to the middle of the street and again looked at the surroundings to find her. 

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