Chapter 6: Path to Peace

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"My, I haven't had this much fun since me and my good friend Orikan went on that excellent adventure in Shaa-Dom! You've been quite the excellent host, but sadly all good things must come to an end. Yes, I do think this Rose-Ta Stone will make quite the fine addition to my collection... Don't look so angry! I'll put it in one of the most prominent spots in my Prismatic Galleries as it deserves..."
-Trazyn the Infinite, during the Battle of Seria. The Human Archaeology Institute has posted one of the largest bounties in Federation record for his capture.


M24, 198

Kanshabai System, Varchii

As the avatar of the Hrud god stood before him, the power of its presence was revealed to Adam. Formerly hidden from the Anathema, the entire planet was saturated in its might, represented as countless intertwining lines of shadow in the Warp that protected the Hrud souls within.

A cold feeling settled in the Perpetual's stomach. Only now did he realize the enormity of his mistake- he had walked right into the heart of the alien god's domain, the seat of its power. The terrible authority of Qah was revealed now, appearing in the Immaterium as a gargantuan sphere of darkness that drowned out all light. For the first time since Ullanor, Adam feared for his life.

Qah raised a single hand. Lower your weapons, Lightbearer. We need not fight. Though you have come uninvited into my domain, I shall let this offense pass- we have much more pressing matters to attend to.

Slowly, Adam sheathed his sword, though the Graviton Claw remained activated. "You knew I was coming."

I am the Lord of Time. The god replied serenely. Your arrival was expected, Lightbearer. You would have come here eventually- it was inevitable.

"Nothing is inevitable." Adam retorted. "You should know that, most of all." He resisted the impulse to add an insult at the end- the stuation was too delicate for him to do so.

Qah's mouth moved in a way that suggested the Hrud equivalent of a frown. I misspoke, it seems. The human language is sometimes... insufficient. The spheres behind him spun slightly faster. Not so long ago, your coming was impossible. Something has disrupted the flow of time- in six thousand of your solar cycles I would have died at the hands of the Youngest God, my people scattered to the winds living as scavengers, but the possibilities have changed. A new path has opened, one that may yet grant us salvation.

"And why should I trust you?"

You know that I am not of the same breed as the Three, Lightbearer, and we are both bound to our duty, to protect our people from the things in our dreams. You see it in your visions, don't you? The galaxy aflame, the laughter of the thirsting gods, and the screams of the people that you failed to save. We both have the same goal- the Long Night must never come to pass, else all is lost.

The Perpetual gave no sign of denial, and the Graviton Claw powered down. "If you know all that, then you should know what I came here for."

Qah smiled. Your assumption is correct. I know that you came here in search of ancient lore, to understand the resurgence of your mortal enemy. The black orbs behind him expanded, coating the library in darkness speckled with dots of white light. Gaze upon what the Aeldari, and what caused their fall from grace.

To the left of them, a patch of space rippled, shifting into the vision of an idyllic paradise. Spires of wraithbone reached into clouds, the sky a purplish blue. In the background a waterfall crashed down to the earth from the moon set in the sky. Birds with multicoloured plumages flew slowly in the sky, the air filled with the words and laughter of robed Eldar that glided above the clouds, or discussing academic matters with their peers atop pillars of silver.

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