Chapter 14: Intellectual Discourse

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-Excerpt of initial psychic communication with organism belonging to previously unknown species tentatively named 'The Cacodominus', after its rescue by Federation forces from shattered planet, M24. 218. Examination of ruins suggests usage of Aeldari weaponry.

M24, 200

Unknown Location

The green light faded, only to be replaced by a padded room. One of the walls was see through, and on the other side was an alien that looked to be a bizarre cross between a cephalopod and an ape.

Ollanius Persson swung the anathame again, but no portal appeared. Spinning around, he struck the walls with the arcane weapon, only for his attacks to be repelled by some unseen force.

"Don't bother." the alien warbled melodiously. "The region of space in your cell has been spatially secured. You're not going anywhere."

Ollanius paused, before pointing his right arm at the transparent wall and letting loose a barrage of projectiles. The concentrated antimatter warheads detonated against the barrier with thunderous explosions, to little effect.

"You're a Kerillaxian." John said from behind, as the First Perpetual pointed his other arm, letting loose a continuous stream of plasma from the tactical cutter on his forearm. "Definitely not with the Aeldari, then. Let me guess, the Cabal sent you?"

"That would be correct." the alien trilled. "My name is Saliehut, most ancient ones. I'm afraid you will be staying here until I can transfer you into the custody of my comrades."

"Why do you people keep getting in our way?" John asked. Ollanius had switched his method, and was now pummeling away at the wall, his fists shrouded in a yellow disruptive field. "We share the same bloody goals! For crying out loud, we should be working together!"

"Regrettably, your lord does not think the same." Saliehut said. "He may work towards the same end as us, but he does not see the potential destruction his plans may bring upon us all. Your species's decision to move against the Aeldari stink of the golden one's manipulations."

"Okay. Let's get one thing clear. That guy is not my lord." John shot back. "He's more like an acquaintance who's sometimes downright insufferable. And last time I checked, we aren't the ones trying to make a new god while tearing down the barrier between us and the realm of ultimate evil."

"Listen to me. Understand that under any other circumstances, we would not have interfered with this. We would have aided you, even." Saliehut explained, waving his tentacles in agitation. "But as it stands right now, if war were to break out, the devastation would be apocalyptic in scale. We fear that this scale of devastation will wake the Lord of War, alongside its brothers. As for why you are here, it is nothing personal- we simply wish to remove the agents of the Burning King from play."

"And how does that matter?" John exclaimed. "When the Eldar are finished they'll wake them up anyway! I don't agree with the Anatolian often, but he's right this time. I'd much rather take my chances fighting than sitting around and waiting to get fucked." He paused. "Probably literally, in this case."

"But billions will die in this war." Saliehut shook their head. "No, ancient one. With the weapons both sides possess, we fear that the damage done to the galaxy cannot be undone, and may even wake the deathless ones from their metal tombs. You know of whom I speak." They paused. "Humanity does not have to die meaninglessly. You can build shelters to withstand the storm, and when the new god is birthed, it will fight its brothers, and they will destroy each other. Only then will life be free of their taint."

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