Chapter 18: Fall of Karai

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"As of now, there is no feasible solution to terminate the gestating Category 6 Empyrean Entity in Warpspace. Therefore, the primary goal will be containment; Since the entity draws power from acts carried out in its name that align with its nature, large-scale elimination of the Aeldari population will halt its growth process significantly. If total victory is achieved by our forces, it is likely that this entity will be conceptually 'starved' and begin to diminish."
-Declaration of War Goals from General Lupercal, M24. 312.

M24. 312.

Karai Sector, Irvai System, Star Fortress Crescent Shield

"Several thousand breaches in realspace have been detected. Origin: Warpspace. Hostile psychic entity presence confirmed and attacking population centers en masse."

Within the command hub, machines clicked and whirred, displaying terabytes of information. Solar Operators rushed to fulfill their orders, while the Iron Mind in charge of the battlestation rapidly processed battle reports and strategic data.

"Deploy fast response corvette fleets to all affected planets and habitats immediately. Evacuation protocols for all citizens take alpha priority- Contingency Beta-42 is in full effect, proceed to the Irvai Warp Gate for extraction." UR-119, the Iron Mind charged with protecting the Karai Sector, issued orders through the local Noosphere quickly and emotionlessly. Just several hundred kilometers behind the Star Fortress was the Warp Gate, protected by a full fleet of battleships that were now on full alert.

"Gellar Counters indicate that spacetime integrity is rapidly dropping. Scans complete: No point of origin for Warp Storm. Cause likely natural; complete breach of Warpspace will be finalized after 18 hours." The observatory AI rattled out. "In other words, we are on a timer."

"Reinforcements are en route from the closest sector, two hours away from arrival. Hold the Warp Gate at all costs." UR-119 ordered. "The closest Silver Chevalier strike force is too far away for help- we will have no psychic assistance. Prepare for sector-wide scuttling and extraction of AI central processing units."

"New breach opening to starboard!"

A cloud of Warp Leviathans swam out, the gargantuan beasts somewhat resembling the great whales of Old Earth with their blubbery mass. Clouds of lesser creatures followed in their wake, symbionts that flew in the wake of their host.

And they were all hungry.

The Star Fortress opened fire, while groups of automated fighters soared out from hangar bays. Energy emitters pulsed, sending tendrils of devestating energies that automatically sought their targets, leaping from one to the other in a devastating chain reaction.

Volleys of antimatter missiles gouged craters into the leviathans, several dying in the first assault. The void became rich with their spilled lifeblood, and like flies to a carcass more portals in space opened, the naked, glistening servants of the Unborn God riding on bestial steeds cackling and crying as they charged towards the refugee ships, hungering for the mortal flesh within those hulls that was so delectable to the slaves of the gods.

Soulfire blasted out from his hands, putting down another daemon as he ran.

The entire sector was compromised, Brahm could see that now. He had to find a ship- any ship, so long as he could get out of here. He stumbled, another shudder running through the planet as cracks began to appear on the streets, entire buildings falling into chasms. Artificial thunder rang in the skies above, legions of aerial drones attempting to push back the extradimensional invaders back to where they came. But they were finite, while the entities on the other side were unlimited in both number and malice. Already, Brahm could feel the pressure on his mind growing greater, while his powers responded more and more easily.

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