Solar Operators - Warriors of Humanity

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"You see, we humans are tough bastards. It'll take a lot more than that to kill me."
-Corporal Jenson Briggs, Solar Operator, throttling a Khrave Root Mind during the liberation of Pentagor III; it is noted that at that point both of his hands were completely scorched by Warpfire, only leaving the skeleton behind.

Established nine years after the formation of the Federation, the Solar Operators are the main human-based armed force of the Federation, every Federation human citizen is required to serve a minimum of five years as a Solar Operator at the age of 40. During their tenure, they are cybernetically and genetically enhanced into transhuman warriors, reaching a new height in human evolution. They are also called Anhuri, an unofficial but popular name based on an ancient god of war.


The gene-forging techniques of humanity have reached a height never before seen in history. The great gene-labs of Luna invent new gene-mods every day, each one bringing man closer to a state of apotheosis. No expense is spared in the augmentation of the Solar Operators, turning them into seven-feet tall perfect killing machines.

Below is a list of their organ improvements:

Skeleton: The skeletal system of an Anhuri is mechanical in nature. On the outside, a covering lightweight adamantium alloy protects the hydraulics, gears and pockets of bone marrow(modified to produce Haemocholarin instead) underneath. Although designed to work in tandem with the muscular system, it can somewhat facilitate limb movement even if muscles are destroyed.

Enhanced muscle structure: Their muscles are far more denser than that of a normal human being's, capable of storing far greater amounts of energy and significantly more durable. Far higher metabolism rates allow for a strength output that sees Solar Operators capable of lifting two times their own weight.

Eyes: The eyes are augmented with mechanical components to facilitate superior eyesight, as well as automatic filtering of light, which allows for vision in absolute darkness or searing light. Also has multiple built-in modes of vision, including infrared, heat, and Warp emission detection.

Blood and lymph: What flows inside an Anhuri's veins is not mortal blood, but a unique blend of modified cells, artificial chemicals and nanomachines called Haemocholarin. This results in an immune system that is near impervious to any but the deadliest viral weapons(In certain scenarios Solar Operator blood can be used as a disinfectant), alongside far superior oxygen carrying capacity and circulation. The mixture can also adjust its viscosity with regards to the environment, enabling near-instant clotting when a Solar Operator is wounded.

Nervous system: Modification to synapses and receptor neurons ensures that any pain sensation above a certain threshold will be muted, allowing an Anhuri's battle performance to not be affected by pain, while also increasing resistance torture. If the need arises, Anhuri can make select body parts numb to all sensation. Additionally, the body's neural pathways have been rerouted such that in case the spinal cord is severed, a Solar Operator can still move his/her body via redundant pathways.

Digestive system: The mucus lining of the stomach has now been chemically reinforced, which is necessary to withstand the extremely acidic digestive fluid secreted in the stomach and intestines, which allows for digestion of nearly anything organic, from tree bark to raw entrails to sewage waste. Combined with a hyperefficient absorption system, this means that Solar Operators can survive on a diet of almost everything.

Heart: Anhuri have three hearts in their body to promote adequate circulation of blood. Located at different points in the torso, if one or two or damaged then the remaining heart(s) will increase their heart rate to compensate until medical aid arrives.

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