𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗮𝘀𝗰𝗼

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You get dressed around 6 nothing fancy because it was just dinner plus Neil would be coming over and he was... well Neil. Eddie calls and he sounds all nervous. "It's gonna be okay! Just come now and don't look like you're gonna puke" you tell him with a giggle. "Got it, okay should I bring anything?" He asks. "No, we have everything we need for dinner just show up in one piece" you say. "Okay see you soon" he speaks. "Okay bye." You hang up. Fixing up your makeup and hair in a ponytail.

As you head downstairs, you hear a knock on the door

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As you head downstairs, you hear a knock on the door. You rush to the door, excitement filling your body along with butterflies. It then quickly dies when you see it's just Billy, Neil, and the Mayfields. You give them a welcoming smile and step to the side so they can come in shutting the door behind them. You and Billy greet each other with a hug. "Where's my hug?" Neil jokes opening his arms. You give him an awkward smile and a quick side hug. Before rushing showing them to the dining room. Even though they've been here a couple of times.

"Mom our guests are here, well almost all of them" you call out to the kitchen. "Okay! Almost ready, just need to finish the mashed potatoes!" She calls back out. "It won't be long, I'll get the drinks." You go to say when someone knocks on the door. "Oh! Actually hold on" you tell them, before practically running to the door. You squeal in excitement when you are met with Eddie and two bouquets of roses. "Okay I know this looks stupid but I felt weird coming to your house empty handed" he says.

Your mom comes up wiping her hand on the kitchen towel. She smiles at the sight. "For the two beautiful women" he says handing a bouquet to each of you. You take it, smiling like a fool. "Oh Eddie you didn't have to your so sweet" you mom thanks him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. You three walk into the dining room, your mom returns to the kitchen. You put you roses in the flower vase. "Okay well I'll get the drinks now" you say with a smile. "I'll take a beer" Neil requests more like demands.

Mrs.Mayfield nudges him and whispers 'please'. "The girl knows that the men get beers no need for please" Neil speaks roughly. Making Billy and Max sigh. "Well it's still nice to have manners since you know they are providing dinner" Eddie states. Making Neil scoff. "Please" he says half-heartedly. "W-We only have wine my mom doesn't drink beer" you tell him. "Fred always had beers in here guess that's out of here since he's gone" Neil comments. "Do you want wine or not" you snap bitterly. "S-Sorry, yes or no" you say more softly.

"Don't be sorry" Eddie assures you. Neil clears his throat, "uh yes please" he says. You nod walking to the kitchen. Letting out a tired sigh. Eddie follows after, "you okay?" You nod trying to reassure him and also yourself. "Hey, we can just say fuck it and leave" he offers. You shake your head, "no it's okay, I'm okay just can you help me carrying out these drinks please?" You ask him. He nods giving you a empathetic smile. You pour Neil the red wine, and pour the rest lemonade getting a coke for Max and Eddie since you knew they liked it.

Everything is set and the dinner is served. "So Y/n are you and Eddie dating or.." Mrs.Mayfield asks. "Oh um no j-just friends" you peep. Making Eddie shuffle in his chair. He squeezes your thigh rather hard. "Really good friends" Eddie adds on with a smile. Your mom excuses herself from the table. Making Mrs.Mayfield nod. "Any plans for college" Neil asks. "I wanna go to Harvard and become a lawyer. I act-" you are cut off by a snicker from Neil. "What's funny?" You question slightly offended. "I mean Harvard? C'mon let's be realistic how about beauty school doesn't take much brain to go there" Neil says taking a sip of wine. You scoff, "Neil that was mean" Mrs.Mayfield tells him. You stand up throwing your napkin down. "Hey do you even think before you talk asshole" Eddie says also standing up. Making Max let out a small laugh. Billy holds a hand over his mouth.

"Excuse me?" Neil challenges Eddie. "I mean you're a grade-A douche bag acting like you are higher than everyone but wasn't you're mom a sex worker? I mean that's how you got into college?" Eddie snorts, "that's the word on the street, also I don't know how you even reproduced. Heard you can even get it up" Eddie laughs making you gasp. "Okay, that's enough Neil I think you need to leave." You tell him as you start apologizing to Billy and Max for all this. "I don't know who you think you are but I don't think you're in any position to talk, Munson" Neil states taking his jacket off.

"Well yeah I do because I'm not like my dad, so how about you shut the fuck up you fat fucking pig" Eddie spits out. Neil tries to walk around the table. At this point everyone is rambling. And you did the only logical think to do in this type of situation you threw a plate at his head breaking the glass on his head making everyone gasps and stands up. Neil tumbles to the ground holding his bleeding head in pain. "Bitch!" He exclaims. "That's what you get!" You tell him suddenly feeling very excitedly for some reason, adrenaline pumping through your veins. Eddie holds his mouth in shock letting out a small chuckle. Neil goes to stand up with the help of Mrs. Mayfield.

Your mom comes in, gasping loudly. "What happened" she asks completely shocked. "Your psycho daughter attacked me" Neil exclaims. "That's a not what happened" Max says. "Well it is but it wasn't unprovoked" she states. "Neil was trying to attack Eddie so I threw a plate at his head." You tell her sadly like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Let's get out of here, after Fred left they went fucking crazy" Neil shakes his head groaning in pain. "Fuck you! He was an asshole drunk who was a sleaze bag wonder why you liked him, he was just like you!" You yell at him before storming out making your mom gasp.

Eddie quickly follows after you. Meanwhile your mother apologizes to Mrs.Mayfield, Billy and Max. Who are completely understanding and not mad at all. Except Neil who is hysterical. Billy and Max are actually finding this really funny and amusing. Then your mom rushes upstairs not bothering to try and clean up the mess in the dining room. Eddie is trying to get you to open up the door. "C'mon sweets, it's me just let me in we don't even have to talk." He tries to reason with you. "No!" You call out. "Sweetheart, it's okay they are gone just please let someone in" you mom says softly.

"Go away" you cry out. "Princess please just let me hold you" Eddie speaks out, "I don't wanna talk" you tell them. "We don't have to, just let me in, okay?" Eddie assures you. You sigh, going to unlock the door. "I'll leave you two to it" your mom says putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder. Eddie gives her a soft smile and nods. He opens the door slowly, once he enters you are holding Mr.Cuddles on the bed back facing him. He lets out a relieved sigh. He doesn't say anything he just take off his shoes and sits down next you. You launch yourself in his arms, taking him by surprise. As you straddle him you cry into the crook of his neck.

"It's okay" he coos as he rubs your back soothingly. "I hate him" you cry, "I know, I know, he's gone now" he tells you softly giving your temple a kiss. "I want to kill him" you admit angrily. Eddie chuckles lightly. "Let's try to keep you out of jail, alright" he says with a smile. You hug him tighter, burying yourself deeper into his neck as if possible. "What do you wanna do to make you feel better sweets?" He asks combing his fingers through your hair.  "Sleep" you yawn out. "Sleep it is, princess" he speaks.

He sets you down, going to grab Mr.Cuddles handing you him. You toss Mr. Cuddles off the bed and gestures for Eddie to lay down with you. He smiles and plops himself down next to you as you lay your head in his chest and leg across his torso. He lays a hand on your thigh, as he pulls the cover up over you two. You two lay there for a while slowly drifting into sleep. "Love you Eddie" you tell him before falling into slumber. Eddie on the other hand can't sleep after that. What the fuck does he do.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀// 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻 Where stories live. Discover now