Chapter 2

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When they got to Eliza's house, she found out that Eliza lives in a castle, "Woah! Do you like work here or something?" Amor asked, "work here? Pfft- I live here, unfortunately I am a princess" Elizabeth replied as Amor looked at her, "hey can you back me up? I need to change clothes before I go in, no one should know about me being outside the castle" she added, "y-yeah! Sure your majesty" Amor replied, "don't you dare say it again" Elizabeth said and went to change clothes behind a tree and Amor hid her.
After Elizabeth finished dressing up Amor stood there in shock "oh wow! Y-you look amazing" she said with a little spark in her eyes, "what you like it?" Elizabeth said with a smirk, Amor realized and said "WHAT! EW NO! You just look amazing", "aww thank you stinky girl, now let's go inside from there" Elizabeth pointed at the window of her room and they both climbed up there

When they got in Amor went to take a shower and Elizabeth prepared her clothes, Amor wore her clothes and came out "what do you think?" She asked, Elizabeth raised a thumb up "you are no longer stinky girl" she said, Amor looked at her pissed then suddenly they both heard a knock on the door, it was Deon! Elizabeth's twin brother "hello sister- wait who's this?" He asked, Elizabeth pulled him into the room and locked the door "this is Amor, she is a human!" She said in a whispering but yet excited tune, "Woah! A human?! How what?" He asked and freaked out a bit, "Woah calm down!" Elizabeth said calming him down.
"Wait how did you even get here" he asked Amor, "I-I don't know I ran away from home and I ran into the forest not knowing where am I going..." Amor replied, "anyway I'm Deon by the way" he said, "I am Amor Arian, nice to meet ya your royal highness" she bowed, "no need to miss Arian." He slightly smiled Amor smiled as well, "Hey human and brother, wanna go for a run outside?" Elizabeth asked, "Eliza we aren't supposed to do it" Deon said, Elizabeth took Deon and Amor's hand and jumped out of the window, "AHHH-" Amor and Deon screamed and hugged each other and Elizabeth tight, "WO-HOO!" Elizabeth yelled as they fell into a bush, "That was fun" Elizabeth said with a big smile, "yeah" Amor replied laughing and Deon looked scared, "okay come on people! Let's go!" Amor Said with a laughter as they all began running around and the guards were behind them "HOW DO YOU RUN WITH HEELS-" Elizabeth struggled to walk, "uh- magic?" Amor said running and laughing as Deon laughed "just take them off!" He said, "no! Glasses will get in my foot and no one wants that" Elizabeth said, Amor looked at Deon and nodded as they made Elizabeth fall onto the ground and they both fell as well and laid there as they laughed.

The three grew closer and closer every day and they began sneaking out and having fun, meanwhile her parents were worried

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