Chapter 12

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Amor watched it al happen as tears fell down her face, and Mishel? Well he just laughed, "why are you laughing you asshole" she said, "because non of this is matter now, aaaand you are mine." He said and kissed her, Amor pushed him, "I only agreed to marry you, not to kiss or do anything romantic with you." She said, he sighed "ugh fine, but at least I can call you my wife, and you need to do whatever I say." He declared, he grabbed her face and kissed her, she pushed him away again and he hit her.

Eliza and Estella stood on the other side of the portal, Eliza fell onto her knees as she began crying angry tears, "Eliza..." Estella said and comforted her, "GUYS!" Hannah yelled and ran to her girlfriend, they both kissed, Alexa ran over to Eliza, "Elizabeth.. what's wrong my love?" Alexa said, "where is Amor" Lucas asked, Eliza looked at him and looked down "she decided to marry the guy... AND THIS BRAT JUST DECIDED TO YELL AT US FOR TRYING TO SAVE HER" she sobbed, Alexa hugged her as Angry tears fell down Elizabeth's face, Lucas looked shocked and hurt as he walked away back to the castle.

A few month past Elizabeth and Estella were still angry, and Lucas was sad, Eliza put half of her time trying to bring back Deon, she stayed awake days and nights and yet failed most of the time or just hurt herself, but then this bright day..
Eliza did her thing again and Deon suddenly opened his eyes, Elizabeth dragged him out of the machine, "DEON!" She yelled and hugged him, Deon coughed and was all wet, "El- Elizabeth? Wh-what is going on..." he said and rubbed his eyes, he felt his body and saw a hole and he freaked out, "WHAT HAPPENED, WHERE IS FATHER-" he asked freaking out, "hey hey calm down.. and don't you remember? Amor did this after you killed me.." she replied, Deon looked down and hugged her, "I am sorry" he said repeatedly, "hey hey, bud listen it's okay!" She held her brother's face and looked deep into his greenish eyes, "wh-where is father?.. I need to apologize for him and Amor", Elizabeth explained what happened to Alexander and said nothing about Amor, "HE DIDNT EVEN CARE TO HEAL ME... and...why did he go like mother..." he said tearfully, "this was his only way to save me..." she hugged him "Alexander was an idiot.." she said angrily, "and what about Amor?" He asked, "..." she didn't say a thing and stayed quiet, but then.. she spoke "she... she decided to marry that guy and YELLED AT ME FOR TRYING TO HELP HER..." she sighed, Deon gasped "WHY" he asked, "I- I don't know.." she said, he looked at her, "we will get her back" he said.
"We need to tell the others about you being alive" Elizabeth explained and called the others, they all walked in and stared at Deon, "YOUUUU" Lucas pounced at him, Eliza pushed him off her brother, "CALM THE FUCK DOWN LUCAS." Alexa shouted at him, Lucas glared at Deon and his eyes were red, Deon hid behind Elizabeth, "Eliza, why did you brought back the person who killed you" Alexa said, Estella smiled and waved at Deon, Deon smiled and waved back, Elizabeth explained everything.

Time has passed no one got any message from Amor not even her own family, and Moshe continue abusing her like her father did with her mother.
"YOU STUPID WOMAN" he hit her, Amor ran away to the bathroom and she tried calling Elizabeth, and for the first time it worked, Eliza picked the call in hologram "hell- oh it's you." She glared, Amor looked injured "Elizabeth! I need your help!" She whispered, Eliza looked shocked and asked "Wh-what happened to you?!" She asked, "SHHH! He'll hear!" She whispered, they talked ans Amor explained everything to her but the call has ended as Mishel came in looking at her angry "WERE YOU CALLING FOR HELP YOU WHORE" he yelled, he knocked the thing down to the floor, Amor began to cry.

After the call stopped Elizabeth stood shocked and Deon watched half "are you going to save her?" He asked, Elizabeth nodded and called the others, Elizabeth explained Alexa looked angry "AFTER WHAT SHE TOLD YOU." Alexa yelled, "Al, calm down, she did it only to save us..." Eliza said, Deon stood by Elizabeth's side, "if it's saving Amor.. then I'm in..." Lucas said and looked serious, Estella hesitated and nodded, "I will stay here and guard the castle." Hannah said, Deon smiled, "I still need to apologize so I am coming" Deon said, "Eliza my darling I think it's a bad idea, she was being mean" Alexa said crossing her arms, Elizabeth hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek, "I will come back to you... I promise you." Elizabeth said, Alexa slightly smiled and sighed, "UGH FINE. Do it But I swear if you get hurt I will be cutting this human's head off." Alexa threatened, Lucas gave her the look but she ignored it.

They all planned on how to save her and walked to the portal place, "you ready guys?" Eliza asked, Hannah ans Alexa stood from the side, the lovers said goodbye and Deon tried talking to Lucas but Lucas didn't listen to him, Deon looks at him and sighed.
They Gang Walked into the portal and walked 'straight' to the Arian's family house.
They knocked on the door and Nesreen opened the door, Aram and Olivia were sitting there, "girls? What brings you back here?..." Nesreen asked,"your daughter ma'am" Eliza said, Olivia recognized the voices and ran to the door "Elizabeth! Estella!" Olivia said, she noticed Deon and glared, "YOU. YOU HURT ME." Olivia shouted and almost attacked him, Deon hid behind Estella, Elizabeth calmed her down and explained what happened, Aram walked over to her confused, "mama, darling, who are these, and what happened.." Aram asked putting their hand on their wound, in pain a bit, "so you are the Aram Arian Amor used to tell us about" Eliza said, Aram looked down, "after you guys left.. Amor just pushed us out of her life and" Olivia said supporting Aram and helping stand.
"Oh my I am sorry.. But Amor is in danger.." Elizabeth said, Aram looked worried, Estella explained everything, Deon looked down, "Look Human.. I am sorry-" Deon said, Estella looked shocked "since when does he apologize-" she whispered to Eliza, "since his death" Eliza replied, Olivia looked at him, "I forgive you.. only because you are Eliza's brother." She said, Aram still looked confused "you guys should come inside so we could make up a good plan.", they all walked inside.
The question of the day was 'how do we save Amor', they all thought for hours, "I GOT IT." Aram said, "you guys have Magic right?" They asked, they all nodded, Aram made the plan, "so.. we can use your magic to i don't know.. control him? And we can also be invisible and ambush him!" They said with excitement, Eliza looked at Estella and nodded, Aram looked at Lucas "and you Mr...-" they added, "Lucas." He said, "ah okay, let me guess, you heal?" They asked, "how did you know-" he replied, "your color explains it all, and also your blue color remind me of a Movie that have a healer mom wearing Blue sooooo..." they said and talked with their hand, "Aram is a mythical geek." Olivia said proud of them, "oooo!" Deon looked interested, Aram continued to speak and tell them the plan.

They all approached Mishel's house and used Magic to disguise themselves, "y'all Ready?" Aram asked, they all nodded, they put their hands together, "Go team friendship!" Aram Said, "team friendship?" Elizabeth asked, "you need to change that" Deon said, Aram sighed, "can we just go with the plan?" They asked, Olivia shushed them and the plan had began, "btw Darling I love the name." Olivia whispered in their ear, Aram smiled and Nesreen rolled her eyes and smiled a bit.

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