Chapter 13

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They all snuck in.
Amor's screams and crying was heard, Aram heard it and looked furious, "this asshole.." they said angrily holding their weapon almost breaking it, Olivia calmed them down, Elizabeth looked angry as well and Deon looked around to see where the noise came, "shh.." he hushed them, "I found the place" he sneaked there, the others followed him, Amor was on the the floor covered in blood, Aram peaked through the key lock, their eyes filled up with tears seeing their dear sister on the floor bleed while Mishel was laughing like a maniac, "I- I can't see her like that.." Nesreen said tearfully, "albi (my heart) we have to go with the plan.. I know it hurts to see your sister hurt.." Olivia said hugging her partner with angry tears, "awwww you learned arabic" she wiped away Aram's tears "it's gonna be okay babe.. trust me.." she said.

the screams suddenly stopped, their eyes were wide open, "Amor.." the twins and Aram said, the three looked at each other and broke the door, Mishel looked at them covered in blood and Amor was on the floor, both of them have stabbed each other.
"AMOR" Lucas shouted and ran over to her healing her, "OH NO YOURE NOT" Mishel shouted and shot him, "OH DAMMIT NOT AGAIN" Lucas looked angry, he healed himself Mishel looked at Deon, "ARENT YOU SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD?!" Mishel looked terrified, Deon thought of something, "oh yeah I am dead, you are imagining me, as dead as Obi-Wan AND Freddie Mercury" he said, Aram looked proud of Amor for teaching him, "and with my powers I will hit you in the head" he added, Eliza came from behind and hit Mishel on the back of the head, "boo bitch." The twins said at the same time, Estella and Olivia wheezed.
Lucas grabbed Amor from the legs and Aram held her from her head, they both ran out with her but then suddenly Mr. Arian appeared on the door blocking their way out, Nesreen aka Mrs. Arian appeared from behind him and shot him once again, "DIE YOU MOTHER-" she cussed him in both Arabic and English AND FRENCH!, the gang looked shocked except for Estella and Eliza, they both decided to hype her and help her, "GUYS THERE IS NO TIME, HE WILL WAKE UP IN..." Aram looked at the clock, "TWO MINUETS!" Lucas held Amor's legs and Aram held Amor's head and ran out, the others followed them, Mrs. Arian raised the middle finger at her husband and Mishel as she ran out.

They all ran inside the house, "okay Lucas you heal my sister, Elizabeth Deon and Estella you were amazing, mama and Olivia wanna help me hide Mishel's body?" Aram said, Olivia looked at Mrs. Arian and they both nodded quick, "magical people, we need your help to heal Amor, because I am 90% you got healing powers as well." They said, Eliza Estella and Deon helped Lucas, "you were right." Eliza said, Aram looked at their clock, "okay I think he's awake now" Aram grabbed a bag and a kitchen knife, they opened the door and found Mishel standing there, "BYE." They closed the door in his face.
"Guys! Be prepared! The bitch is here." Aram said dead serious, "OH NO NOT HIM.." Deon said, Eliza grabbed her bat and looked at Olivia with a knife, Nesreen helped Lucas and wrapped his wound with bandages, the gang looked ready to kill as Aram opened the door, "uh-oh" Mishel said and began running away, Eliza Estella Deon and Lucas wanted to run after him but Aram stopped them, "but... can any of you make illusions?" They asked, Estella stepped forward, "I am a witch, I can even curse him." She said, "oh can you do both?" They asked, Estella nodded and began chanting a spell, Aram looked impressed.

Amor suddenly opened her eyes slowly and groaned "wh-what happened..." she rubbed her, Lucas ran to her hugged her and accidentally kissed her, Aram and Nesreen broke them apart and the others hugged her, Amor looked red as a tomato and laughed, Lucas looked disappointed, Nesreen held Amor's face, "ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU IDIOT PUSHED US ALL OUT OF YOUR LIFE" she slapped her with a shoe and hugged her crying, "my baby..." she sobbed, Aram laughed and looked in their pocket and looked at Olivia with a slight smile.
"Come on people we need to get back home, or my girlfriend will come and kill me-" Eliza said scared, they all nodded and walked away.

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